Try the political quiz

189 Replies


What kind of future do you envision for animals if society as a whole shifts towards more ethical treatment of them?

 @9L93L4Pfrom Ontario answered…2mos2MO

All animals deserve equal treatment, and there should be more regulations on who can own animals.


How could the creation of wildlife corridors in urban settings affect our relationships with nature?

 @9KKC3F6from Ontario answered…3mos3MO

the creation of wildlife corridors could affect our relationship with nature because wildlife corridors would be around us and we would look at them and bond over both the elegance of nature and with each other as well


What actions would you take if you witnessed animal cruelty in public?

 @9JBP3VP from Ontario answered…5mos5MO

I would inform the police about the issue and try to explain to the person about animal rights.


How would you argue for or against keeping pets, given the debate over animal autonomy?

 @9JMBJQVfrom Alberta answered…4mos4MO


When you see videos of animals being rescued, what emotions do they stir in you?

 @9HXQ8NWfrom Ontario answered…5mos5MO

Me as someone who owns a animal myself I support Animal Rights and it's very important and they shpuld be treated as well as humans are.


Have you ever felt conflicted about enjoying activities that may involve the exploitation of animals, like circuses or zoos?

 @9HG4PBFfrom British Columbia answered…6mos6MO

No, sanctuaries with visits from public for the purpose of funding and education make sense the most humanely speaking. They should thrive during their time in the sanctuary living as closely to its native and natural place, crowd control and interaction with crowds or visibility of crowds for animals should be controlled and an important part of the animals well beings. Zoos are wrong, but they’re not going away so let’s solve the problem instead of debating human nature vs nature.


If animals could voice their pain, do you think humanity's treatment of them would change?

 @9H9CVJDfrom Alberta answered…7mos7MO

No from the perspective of food, since many things we eats come from animals


Have you ever felt a sense of injustice while observing how certain animals are treated in society?

 @9KJ35SYfrom Ontario answered…3mos3MO

Yes, the way adopted pets are treated, I couldnt care less how farm animals are treated aslong as they aren't being directly torchered


How might learning about an animal's ability to experience joy and pain impact the choices you make every day?

 @9HR54C8from British Columbia answered…6mos6MO

It does not affect my choice. I will continue to prioritize locally sourced produce and support independent grocers when possible.


How does it affect you emotionally to think about animals suffering for the sake of fashion and convenience?


How might our cities look and function differently if they were designed with animal pathways and safety in mind?


How would you feel if you knew that the habitats of the animals featured in nature documentaries were under threat?


How do highly publicized incidents of animal cruelty, like those in the news, influence your opinions on animal rights?


What stories of animal intelligence or emotion have surprised or moved you to think differently about them?


How does the trend towards sustainable and organic farming practices influence your choices as a consumer?


What could convince you to participate in a boycott against companies that practice animal cruelty?


How would you balance the needs of growing human populations with the preservation of animal habitats?


If a new law was proposed to improve animal rights in your community, what would you want it to address?


When you hear about endangered species, what thoughts or concerns come to mind about our role in their survival?


How would you describe the bond between humans and service animals, and how does this relationship affect your view on animal rights?


How might your life change if you took a stand against products derived from animals, such as leather or wool?


How do you feel about the ethical implications of zoos and aquariums as forms of education versus their role in animal confinement?


What changes would you like to see in how society celebrates holidays that traditionally involve using animals?


How do you feel about the balance between human development and wildlife conservation?


If animals had the power to forgive, how do you think they would react to their treatment by humans?


In what ways could animals be provided with a platform to 'communicate' their well-being to us?


What measures can schools implement to instill respect for animal life in students?


Can you share a story where an animal displayed intelligence or empathy, and how did it affect you?


How have your childhood experiences with animals shaped your views on their treatment and rights?


What role should animals have in modern society, beyond being just pets or for consumption?


How would your perspective on animal rights change if you found out your favorite food involved unethical treatment of animals?


When you interact with animals, do you consider them as having their own personalities and desires?


What emotions are evoked when you see images of animals in natural disasters or affected by climate change?


If a friend challenged the importance of animal welfare, how would you explain its significance?


How would our buying habits change if more people were aware of the animal testing behind products?


If you had to argue the impact of biodiversity on human well-being, what points would you raise?


How might adopting an animal from a shelter influence your perspective on animal rights and welfare?


In moments of connection with an animal, what do you feel we as humans can learn from them?


How does the energy and joy of a pet or animal in nature affect your own mood and outlook on life?


When you donate to animal causes, what drives your choice of organization or issue?


How might the extinction of a single animal species affect you personally and emotionally?