Try the political quiz

214 Replies


What local problem would you prioritize if your community used direct votes to resolve issues?

 @9KBFTYW from British Columbia answered…3mos3MO

If my community utilized direct votes to resolve issues through direct democracy, one local problem I would prioritize is environmental sustainability and conservation efforts. By leveraging direct votes, community members can actively participate in decisions regarding the preservation of natural habitats, the implementation of renewable energy initiatives, waste management strategies, and the protection of green spaces.

Direct democracy would allow residents to vote on policies and projects aimed at reducing carbon emissions, promoting recycling and composting programs, and conserving water…  Read more


If students could vote on the use of technology in classrooms, what changes would you advocate for?

 @9JS2P7Lfrom Ontario answered…3mos3MO

I don't think anything should be changed. If a student doesn't focus on work as much as their phone, it's their fault if they fail.


Can a society be truly democratic without direct input from all its citizens on every decision?

 @9HR54C8from British Columbia answered…5mos5MO

Achieving true democracy in this sense is unrealistic and time consuming. Instead, we should be focusing on making voting an obligation rather than a right.


Would being able to directly vote on school holiday schedules affect how you value different cultural celebrations?

 @9LCJ58Xfrom Ontario answered…2mos2MO

too much of a good thing could be a bad thing, even when it is democracy.


If teens had a direct vote on education policies, what is the first change you would vote for?

 @9HH3BRQfrom British Columbia commented…6mos6MO


How would the availability of youth employment opportunities be different if they were decided by direct democracy?


If community service projects required a direct vote, what cause would you champion and why?


What's one thing you would want to change about public libraries if their services were decided by popular vote?


Would your engagement in class increase if you could vote on the teaching methods your instructors use?


If students voted on budget allocations for clubs and activities, how do you think this would affect your participation?


How might your approach to healthy living change if public health initiatives were shaped by direct votes?


If there were a vote on the content of educational field trips, where would you like to go and why?


Would you vote for increased funding for the arts or sports programs, and what would guide your decision?


How might classroom technology integration change if students could vote on its usage?


What would be the first thing you'd vote to change about your city's nightlife if you had a say?


How would you vote to address homelessness in your community?


If your local park's development was up for a vote, what features would you advocate for?


How would the ability to directly vote on work conditions change your perspective on employment?


Do you think your personal freedom would increase or decrease with direct democracy in place?


Would your school's approach to bullying change if policies were decided by student vote?


If you could implement an environmental regulation through direct vote, what would it focus on?


Would having a say in animal welfare laws make you more active in your community's discussions on the topic?


How would you feel about voting on community healthcare initiatives and what would be your top priority?


How might holidays be different if families voted on how to spend them together?


Would a student-voted prom theme make the event more inclusive and enjoyable for everyone?


If your school's dress code was subject to a student vote, how would it reflect personal expression?


If you and your friends voted on your weekend plans, how would that change your social life?


Would you rather vote on your city's budget allocations or entrust an expert, and why?


How might your favorite social media app change if feature updates were decided by user vote?


How would group projects differ if your class voted on who did what task?


Do you believe that direct voting on college admissions policies would make the process more or less fair?


If everyone voted on holiday schedules, do you think your favorite holidays would align with the majority?


Would you be more inclined to volunteer locally if community projects were chosen by citizen vote?


Imagine family decisions were made by direct vote—what dynamics do you think this would create?


How would direct democracy affect your sense of empowerment as a young person in society?


If you could vote on the subjects taught in school, what would be your mandatory class and why?


Would the chance to vote directly on environmental policies make you more eco-conscious, and why?


Do you think people your age would stay more informed on current events if they could vote on them?


How might school sports or arts programs look different if they were shaped by votes from the student body?


How do you think having a say on foreign policy issues would alter your engagement with international news?


How would you prioritize funding for city projects if infrastructure decisions were directly voted upon?


How might the direct vote on trade agreements affect your views on globalization and local economies?


If you could directly influence workplace policies through a vote, what's the first change you would advocate for?


If popular vote determined the curriculum, what subjects do you think would gain or lose popularity in schools?


In what ways do you think direct democracy would influence the accountability of public officials?