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 @9FVZJ8GConservativefrom Ontario disagreed…8mos8MO

Trans-woman will still have the body type and hormones of a man, it would not be fair to the women who have worked for years and years to enter athletic tournaments/Olympics because a man who has worked the same will end up being stronger/faster than a woman. It’s not transphobic it basic biology. There should be a separate class for trans athletes.

 @9FX7N8FNew Democraticfrom Ontario agreed…8mos8MO

I agree. As a biological woman it is upsetting to see that our gender has fought for the right to our own leagues and create our own teams to now have them taken over by biological males. It is even more upsetting when it takes away an achievement, award, or scholarship opportunity for a biological woman.

  @Daboss2o1Conservative from Alberta agreed…8mos8MO

Yes. no matter what anyone says, the average Olympic woman CANNOT beat the average male athlete. It is just simple biology. And the thing is, female athletes agree with this statement too!


Body types are diverse, sometimes by weight and build and other variables. I know women who could defeat cis men, I know trans men who could defeat trans women, I know trans women who could defeat cis men. Close the gap on gendered competitive sports and let's see who actually wins gold. Will cis men throw a fit if a trans man defeats them? Will it be considered more of a win if a cis woman defeats a trans woman? Who cares!

 @9FW287TLiberalfrom Alberta disagreed…8mos8MO

Transgender athletes grew up physically like other guys, imagine letting a Mike Tyson type fighter into a boxing ring with a female, that female is going to die.

 @9KBGXJFfrom Ontario disagreed…4mos4MO

Would you say it would be fair if Lebron James, with the same body and athletic abilities was to have a gender changing surgery and play in the WNBA. Arguably the best basketball player of all time playing against less stronger, athletic, and smaller women basketball players. The same goes for any sport like powerlifting, where a male power lifter changing his gender and competing in women power lifting competitions. I would be completely un fair.

 @9GH4VMJfrom Ontario disagreed…8mos8MO

That it would not be fair for all of the competeters that have trained so hard in their sport only to have a transgender person interfering with what oyu've worked so hard to acheive. Like a transgender man to woman on a womans swim team, it would be fair because men just naturally have a stranger upper torso than women. Meaning they have an easier way to win.

 @9GGXHVGfrom Saskatchewan disagreed…8mos8MO

Trans women are still men regardless of what they identify as or dress like. Genetically they are male and have the characteristics and hormones that go along with that. Men’s and Women’s sports are separated because they have different body types and skills. It is not fair for men who naturally have larger bodies, more muscle, and less fat due to their genes, compete and win against women who are at the top of their field because they worked for it.

 @9GGSFGVfrom Ontario disagreed…8mos8MO

It is unfair for women to see a grown man competing in women athelets logicly man has mroe strengh then women and more faster then women

 @9GCNCZMfrom Nova Scotia disagreed…8mos8MO

Trans athletes have are cheating becuse they have more testosterone which means more strength and ability

 @9H2536Dfrom Ontario disagreed…7mos7MO

A trans man should not be aloud to compete with women because it is not physically fair to the other female competitors and there is the possibility of the trans athlete raping other female athletes.

 @9FBD9M5from Ontario agreed…9mos9MO,things%20farther%20than%20women%20can.

 @9F9JGCBfrom Ontario disagreed…9mos9MO

There are many genetic differences between a male and females therefore they should be treated based on their birth sex to prevent having men rule all sports.

 @9F94PNCfrom Alberta disagreed…9mos9MO

Extremely unfair as a sport is based on a players physical body not their mind and how they think and feel that they don’t fit in with their own gender.

 @9F7WTX8from Northwest Territories disagreed…9mos9MO

A gender advantage should not participate in sports, as a man has more strength compared to women, even if the women is on any type of steroid or sport enhancement drug.

 @9F76WFKConservativefrom British Columbia disagreed…9mos9MO

Well men are genetically build stronger and taller so it’s not fair for biologically male athletes who are trans to compete against biologically females.


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