Try the political quiz

16 Replies

 @9HXZTXMfrom Ontario answered…4mos4MO

Yes cut spending on certain things like salaries of government officials and increase taxes on large corporations

 @9JWW84Qfrom Alberta answered…2mos2MO

No, they should reduce spending over seas supporting other countries as well as make the wages of government officials reflective of the outcomes they produce. Have a base salary, then bonuses based on how well the economy is running. Earn your wage!

 @9FL7SJ9from Ontario answered…7mos7MO

I believe they should make cuts to public spending deemed unnecessary by the people and work more on ensuring the national debt is reduced safely without harming the country's economy and its people.

 @9LNZCPWfrom British Columbia answered…1wk1W

Reduce the benefits and salaries of government officials, and reduce the number of government officials instead

 @9LM3CLJNew Democraticfrom British Columbia answered…1wk1W

No, end tax evasion and excess spending through the military and other government industries instead

 @9LJGNWTPeople’s from British Columbia answered…2wks2W

Yes, drastic cuts or complete elimination to all areas of government that are not involved with national and border defense. Eliminate the RCMP and allow provinces to construct provincial police and local police with elected sheriffs or police chiefs.

 @9L82T49Liberalfrom Ontario answered…4wks4W

Yes, but focus on cutting from superfluous initiatives and protect essential services (i.e. healthcare).

 @9KZNNL9from Ontario answered…1mo1MO

Yes, increase taxes for a short time and reduce government expenditure, wear ever possible and reduce ministers salaries.

 @9KMFJNVfrom Alberta answered…2mos2MO

No, but focus more on specific issues within communities that will actually benefit the greater population.

 @9KM3QH8from Alberta answered…2mos2MO

Yes, by reducing spending on military spending, increasing taxes on people and corporations and focusing on tax evasion

 @9KGWSV2from New Brunswick answered…2mos2MO

All waste should be cut. A portion of annual budget should be spent on projects and investments that bring return on investment to reduce the burden of tax payers, pay off our debt without sacrificing important services and programs.

 @9K4GN87from Ontario answered…2mos2MO

Make tax dollars used more effectively because a lot of money is wasted in lawsuits due to negligence

 @9JZP7TYfrom Quebec answered…2mos2MO

yes, and reduce benefits and salaries of government officials as well as eliminate all unnecessary spending on government and selected corporations

 @9JWWFBKfrom Ontario answered…2mos2MO

The first focus should be to minimize inefficiencies, root out programs not focused critical issues, and manage administrative cost better. Cuts in programs tend to increase issues and cost more in the long run. Taxes may need increasing to provide the most important programs, but efficiency is key

 @9JWBFY5from Ontario answered…2mos2MO

Yes, but start with government spending on MPs, and other Government Services first. Make MPs make the same as Average Canadian Income.

 @9JQJB9QLiberalfrom Alberta answered…3mos3MO

should be cuts based on priority, cuts should be made for building "art sculptures" etc.. but used wrong could negatively effect the economy

 @9HWKP9LPeople’sfrom Manitoba answered…4mos4MO

Reduce government salaries and government spending on unnecessary things, reduce number of government officials and agencies

 @9GYSNHDfrom Nova Scotia answered…5mos5MO

Yes, I believe they should make cuts to public spending deemed unnecessary by the people and work more on ensuring the national debt is reduced safely without harming the country's economy and it's people.

 @9GPTJ2Dfrom British Columbia answered…6mos6MO

No, instead increase taxes on items / behaviours that do not align with federal policies and national social values.

 @9GMSV2Ffrom Alberta answered…6mos6MO

Rather than cutting public spending why not allocate the funding in a way that benefits the population, such as reducing the military spending to 2% of the GDP and allocate to education and healthcare. Also raise taxes on the wealthy and the corporations.

 @9GJPKWTfrom Ontario answered…6mos6MO

Reform the system to create and motivate an increase in the economy through donations from the rich to offset increasing costs to support a long-term debt reduction strategy.

 @9GJ3PN5from Alberta answered…6mos6MO

Yes but by drastically removing salaries and benefits of the ceos and corporate sector of public services. The ones in the office, whove never actually worked the field.

 @99886STfrom Alberta answered…1yr1Y

Yes, but only when they have properly evaluated which public institutions can be financially cut without being a detriment to the safety, security and welfare of the people.

 @99743DNfrom Alberta answered…1yr1Y

Reduce government officials, higher taxes in wealthy and close tax evasion loopholes.

 @995YNVHfrom Ontario answered…1yr1Y

We need to find other ways to reduce debt to see which would be best

 @9928V75from Alberta answered…1yr1Y

Yes cuts should be made but with a coherent & sustainible plans to support public persons effected by cuts.

 @98ZWRP2from Ontario answered…1yr1Y

yes, by not spending money on unimportant things like decorations or statues

 @98ZSNKVfrom Arizona answered…1yr1Y

 @98ZH37Gfrom Saskatchewan answered…1yr1Y

They need to reduce spending in all aspects, not just the public spending, they need to cut back on the national spending if it is causing the most dept.

 @98YZYPRfrom Ontario answered…1yr1Y

The government should start limiting social assistance payments to only people that are not fit to work.

 @98XLG3Kfrom Alberta answered…1yr1Y

 @98WXKGQfrom Ontario answered…1yr1Y

No, reduce military spending and end tax evasion while increasing taxes for MNCs and the wealthy.

 @98WRY44from Manitoba answered…1yr1Y

No but increase taxes on the wealthy and large multinational corporations, and focus on ending tax evasion as well.

 @98V42XQfrom Ontario answered…1yr1Y

 @98TMH36from Ontario answered…1yr1Y

No, increase taxes on the wealthy and large multinational corporations, and reduce the number of government officials


No, increase taxes on the wealthy and come down harder on corporations and tax evasion

 @98RCD6Yfrom Ontario answered…1yr1Y

Yes, and there should be more regulation on the money being spent. Ensuring it is actually being used efficiently and saving dollars where we can, and transferring funds to other areas that need it

 @98PQTLXfrom Ontario answered…1yr1Y

 @98HLJHBfrom Ontario answered…1yr1Y

Reduce corporate subsidies, but increase social support for the poor.

 @98HL8XHfrom Alberta answered…1yr1Y

ALL of these things mentioned need doing. ESPECIALLY going after the rich and large corporations.

 @98FSLRQfrom Ontario answered…1yr1Y

 @98FPFSYLiberalfrom British Columbia answered…1yr1Y

I would say be cautious. Often times, those who want austerity measures to be in place don't think things through, and can cause a lot of unintended damage to the greater federal budget, leaving a massive mess for future generations, but also erodes faith in our democratic system. Overall, I would say be pragmatic and methodical, and have wise investments with lots of consultation rather than just blanket cutting of programs or adding of programs.

 @98DWYJVfrom Alberta answered…1yr1Y

Yes, but not on essential areas like Healthcare, infrastructure or education

 @98699X9from British Columbia answered…1yr1Y

No but higher standard for government paid employees needs to be set


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