Try the political quiz

212 Replies


If your favorite piece of media portrayed large families as the norm, how would it influence your thinking?

 @9JP68NVfrom Ontario answered…4mos4MO

I think it is important to have children, however abusing the system by having tons of children to reap the benefits is not right. We all have a due diligence to have children but only to have as many that we can afford.


How do you feel about using technology to aid in increasing the birth rate, such as fertility treatments?

 @9HL6FVPfrom Ontario answered…6mos6MO


What could be the personal pros and cons of living in a society that puts a strong focus on having more children?

 @9HDS3P9from Alberta answered…7mos7MO

We already have an issue with over population the idea that we should have more kids isn't something i believe in.


How would you balance your personal freedom with the societal need for more children when choosing a life partner?


Do you think having more kids would enrich your family life or stretch your ability to give each child ample attention?


If a significant amount of your future earnings were allocated to support growing families, how would you react?


Would you consider a career that offers the best balance for raising a large family, instead of following your passion?


Does the notion of children being seen as a national asset make you more inclined or hesitant to start a family?


How does the possibility of an overcrowded planet affect your thoughts on the 'right' number of children to have?


Would you worry about overcrowded schools and hospitals, or see a larger population as a sign of prosperity?


How does the idea of sharing your life and resources with a larger number of siblings make you feel?


How would you prioritize self-improvement and personal dreams in a community where large families are highly valued?


What innovative social programs would you propose in a society seeking to encourage larger families?


Would you be more open to have conversations about parenting and family size in a society where it's becoming a focal point?


How might advancements in remote work and digital connectivity affect your thoughts on a society encouraging larger families?


How could the concept of community-supported parenting in a pro-natalist society appeal to you?


How might your personal goals for travel or adventure align with the expectation of participating in a society's population growth?


What alternative family structures could become more popular in a society aiming to increase birth rates?


In what ways could having siblings, or being an only child, affect your views on the ideal family size?


How much influence should cultural or societal norms have on your decision to have more children?


Would you feel comfortable with your government playing a significant role in your family planning decisions?


How would the presence of more children in your neighborhood change your sense of community?


How has the thought of raising children in your future influenced your career or educational choices?


What emotions are stirred when you think about the long-term impacts of bounding population growth on society?


Could fostering a large family impact your thoughts on legacy, heritage, and passing on traditions?


How might the social dynamics in your peer group change with a government initiative promoting larger families?


How do you reconcile the need for personal space with the expectation to contribute to a growing population?


If community support for larger families grew, how might that influence your views on what 'community' means?


How could living in a larger family impact your individual pursuit of happiness and personal growth?


If environmental concerns and promoting high birth rates were at odds, how would you prioritize your decisions?


What creative solutions can you envision for potential problems arising from much higher population densities?


When thinking about your future, how does the prospect of sharing resources with an increasing population affect you?


What challenges do you think you would face personally in a community geared towards raising larger families?


How might your personal identity and values align or clash with a society that celebrates having many children?


In a future where larger families might be encouraged, how would you envision your role in such a society?


How might a shift towards a larger youthful population change what you consider important in your community?


How would the possibility of having a large family influence the dreams you have for your own future?


Would the possibility of a larger generational divide prompt you to reconsider the size of your future family?


How might your social life and relationships be influenced by a shift toward a pro-natalist societal model?


Would you support educational reforms designed to prepare children for large families if you believe in smaller households?


How might different cultural values regarding family size shape a society's outlook on natalism?


How would you feel if someone you love chose to have many children, possibly impacting their time with you?


In what ways might your hobbies and personal interests have to adapt in a world focused on raising more children?


What emotions does the idea of having a family in a heavily family-oriented society evoke in you?


Would you consider moving to a place that provided better support for larger families, and why?


How might your perspective on life change if society celebrated larger families as a critical success factor?


How would you feel about your government providing free education for families with more children?