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 @9H4KC4Kfrom Ontario disagreed…7mos7MO

How self-centred do you have to be to know how wealthy our country is compared to others, and yet still not bother or care to help victims of violence and war? The world doesn't revolve around you. Check your privilege.

 @9FL6KSZLiberalfrom Ontario disagreed…9mos9MO

Geo politics is a chess game we cannot afford to lose. If Russia or China is above the US because they are willing to spend the money, it's on your hands.

 @9FGC3D6from Alberta disagreed…9mos9MO

We should give foreign aid to any country because doing so, we can build ties with that country and we can help each other out. Also, doing this can build a good reputation for a country.

 @9FG9T8Tfrom British Columbia disagreed…9mos9MO

Foreign aid is key for countries who are struggling with always and battle. Injuries and financial issues.


We should give foreign aid to any country because doing so, we can build ties with that country and we can help each other out. Also, doing this can build a good reputation for a country.

 @9FB2253from Ontario disagreed…9mos9MO

Foreign Aid. The gift, loan and extremly generous amount of money given to foriegners. We use that money for food, supplies and may services such as humanitarian and military assistants. Although that can come to use we have many other big problems in Canada, like our carbon usage. If we were to decrease that number by 50%, we could extend our earth life about 700 years.

 @9F9MZQ2from Ontario disagreed…9mos9MO

I hereby believe that it might be or might not be in Canada's best interest to aid some countries, it all depends on the country, on the past history and surely on its own contribution to our society and others.

 @9F9LWMPPeople’sfrom Ontario agreed…9mos9MO

What exactly do countries in Africa and Ukraine do for us that make them deserving of all of our tax dollars? All the send us is more immigrants which put further strain on our already broken economy

 @9F9K5K6from Ontario agreed…9mos9MO

our dept continues to rise we need to put a stop to this and inflation before it gets out of control my source:

 @9F82BDJfrom Ontario agreed…9mos9MO

We should not increase it or even have it at all unless we are in alliance with this country than we can send some military over to help them, but no money because we are in too much debt.

 @9F7PNPSfrom Ontario disagreed…9mos9MO

As human beings, we have the responsibility to help each other out when we see a need. Arbitrary borders should not determine our humanity.


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