Yes, but only for low income families
Yes, but encourage stay-at-home parenting

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Canada users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @4SCCFZVfrom Manitoba answered…3yrs3Y

We live in a patriarchal society; when Canada started doing "women in non traditional trades" they left out the other half of the equation which was to teach men how to multi task. Child rearing needs to be revered instead of being viewed as 'less than'. It is not just a universal child tax, we need a complete overhaul of wages to reflect the importance and tax breaks for people choosing to raise their own children instead of farming that out to a daycare.

 @4VPBQMLfrom Manitoba answered…3yrs3Y

No, women belong in the kitchen and should take care of her children at home

 @9KBFTYW from British Columbia answered…2mos2MO

Yes, but only for low-income families, but the definition of "low-income" needs to be adjusted to reflect actual living income, not currently high enough.

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