Lower the income tax rate and remove all existing tax loopholes for large corporations
No, but lower taxes for the poor
Yes, and raise taxes on all income brackets
No, keep the current tax structure
Reform to a flat tax

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Canada users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @9CBKZDDfrom Ontario answered…11mos11MO

 @8VSSTYWfrom Alberta answered…3yrs3Y

 @9LJGNWT from British Columbia answered…5 days5D

Abolish the income tax and start imposing tariffs. Cut federal and provincial government to 10% of its size. Abolish the federal and provincial MP and MLA and Senate pensions immediately.

 @9L5R7PFfrom Alberta answered…3wks3W

Simplify the current tax system by: restructuring the scale to make the 2% and corporations pay more, remove existing loopholes and rebates. Automate tax returns like many countries already do, remove tax based benefits. If you remove all these deductions, rebates, and loopholes that the very rich and corporations most benefit from, then both a fair wage and fair tax rate will be revealed without wasting taxpayer money on processing an unnecessarily complex tax return. There should only be GST on luxury items. There should be some limits on corporate profit or requirements for ratios at which employees must receive higher compensation.

 @9L58G3Rfrom Quebec answered…3wks3W

I think it depends on what we count as rich, the owners of really big corporations that are making millions of dollers should be taxed, but I dont think we should be taxing people work a well paying job (doctors, lewyes, etc) as much as we do

 @9KZ9LTCfrom Alberta answered…4wks4W

Yes, the more money you make, the more taxes you should pay to make up for people unable to pay such high taxes with a low income. So poor people should have lowered taxes and richer people should have higher taxes.

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