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20 отговора



Can you think of a time when strict oversight helped prevent chaos or disorder in a group you were part of?



Would you prefer a society with absolute safety but less freedom, or one with complete freedom but potential risks?



What examples from history or current events show us the consequences of too much control over people's lives?


In what scenarios do you believe strict rules are justified, even if they might limit individual rights?



In a situation where your safety is guaranteed but your freedom is limited, which would you choose and why?


Can a leader with absolute power truly have the best interests of their citizens at heart, or is corruption inevitable?


Reflect on a time when strict rules in your life felt reassuring rather than restrictive. Why did you feel that way?


Do you think a society can achieve significant progress without some level of individual sacrifice? Share your reasoning.


If given the choice, would you prefer a society with strict order but less personal freedom, or more freedom but less order? Why?


Imagine living in a place where only one viewpoint is allowed; how do you think this would impact your personal growth?


Is it ever justifiable to sacrifice some personal freedoms for the sake of national security or stability? Give examples.


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