Versuchen Sie, die politische Quiz

10 Antworten


What role do you think an open internet plays in fostering innovation and creativity, and have you had any personal experiences that illustrate this?


Have you ever encountered a situation where transparency in government or corporations could have made a difference, and how did it impact your trust in those entities?


How do you perceive the balance between copyright protection and public access to knowledge, and how would you reform it for the digital age?


Can you share a personal experience where you felt a direct democracy tool (like a referendum) could have addressed a community or societal issue better than the existing political process?


How important is access to information and culture in your daily life, and how do you feel about restrictions imposed by copyright laws?


What are your thoughts on the current education system's ability to prepare students for the future, and how do you envision a more effective system?


How would a universal basic income change your life, and do you think it's a viable solution to economic inequality?


Have you ever thought about the environmental impact of digital technology, and what are your views on balancing technological advancement with environmental protection?


In what ways do you think technology impacts democracy and political participation?


How would you feel if your online privacy was invaded, and why do you think protecting it is important?