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 @9GFTLLGfrom New Brunswick disagreed…6mos6MO

Healthcare is a human right. Everybody should have the right to be taken care of regardless of how much money they make.

 @9GC72LQfrom Ontario disagreed…6mos6MO

Healthcare should be a right for everyone. It shouldn’t be so difficult just to simply exist on this damn planet.

 @9GD4KFJfrom Ontario disagreed…6mos6MO

Healthcare is a fundamental right and societal benefit - we must stress the significance that funding can do to help with healthcare and improve the lives of people on our society.

 @9FTYXYTfrom Ontario disagreed…7mos7MO

Increased funds can help not only patients recover better but healthcare professionals have more to work with to help their patients the best they can

 @9L6PJ8Mfrom British Columbia disagreed…4wks4W

Healthcare is a basic human need and right if we are to be a liveable desireable and fture seeking society healthcare should be improved.

 @9KSJFV9from Ontario disagreed…1mo1MO

We are in a mass shortage and we need better wages for healthcare workers. More healthcare workers would mean less wait times and more help can be provided

 @9GXWKXGNew Democraticfrom Ontario disagreed…5mos5MO

By increasing healthcare funding, wait times would be reduced and ensure provinces use all the money allocated to them so that the quality of healthcare can be increased

 @9GCJKQXfrom Saskatchewan disagreed…6mos6MO

Some people with Chronic illness will go bankrupt trying to pay for meds to live, for conditions that aren’t their fault

 @9FNB6QFfrom Ontario disagreed…7mos7MO

Increased funding for healthcare is necessary to maintain high-quality, accessible medical services for all citizens.

 @9FKSPG3from Ontario disagreed…7mos7MO

Yes, because the healthcare should be a rigth regardless of your income. And healthcare such as cancer care is not completely covered. It is horrible to have citizens have to choose between cancer care and food.

 @9FKJ4GDNew Democraticfrom Ontario disagreed…7mos7MO

Our healthcare system needs to be looked at more because the long wait times and overuse of the emergency rooms need to be stopped. The only way to do this would be building more hospitals.

 @9FDYXNVfrom Quebec disagreed…7mos7MO

People of low-income backgrounds will struggle to afford healthcare services as a result, denying them of a basic human right.

 @9G5ZKLRConservativefrom Ontario disagreed…6mos6MO

8 out of 10 of the uninsured work or come from working families. They play by the rules,
work hard just like the rest of Americans, and yet they can't get insurance from the employer
because it's not offered, or they can't afford it if it is offered. Is that their fault?
• Is it really anyone's fault that health insurance is so expensive that they can't afford it? The
high costs of health care are due to influences beyond any one individual's control - they are
influenced by society-wide trends towards increased use of technology, high administrative
costs of our healthcare system, and a strong profit motive in the health insurance industry that
drives up the cost of premiums.

 @9FS85XGfrom Alberta disagreed…7mos7MO

People who can’t afford healthcare may end up dying and or have a worse quality of life then other in Canada

 @9LSRCTPfrom Ontario disagreed…16hrs16H

It will increase the wealth gap and create a two-tier system that is not equitable. More people will suffer with private healthcare. We need a strong public healthcare system for a fair society.


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