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 @9JX247V from West Virginia disagreed…2mos2MO

Biologically there are technically 3 sex with you being able to be intersex and having both reproductive organs, additionally, people can be what they want and believe what they are gender is something that can be chosen, sex is the biological thing based on your sex organs.

 @9FL54CXfrom Prince Edward Island disagreed…7mos7MO

WHAT ABOUT INTERSEX PEOPLE?????!!!!! seriously how can someone be so painfully ignorant. intersex people exist, and that alone completely destroys this idiotic argument.

 @9FVWLNKNew Democraticfrom Ontario disagreed…7mos7MO

well there aren't actually 2 genders, because people can be intersex, and if you force gender roles on people, you are enforcing gender as a social construct.


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