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 @9L37JFNfrom Ontario disagreed…4wks4W

One counter-argument is that privatization could result in unequal access to healthcare, as it may prioritize profitability over providing affordable care for all.

 @9K6LGKLConservativefrom Ontario disagreed…2mos2MO

According to the survey conducted by Angus Reid, 39 per cent of Canadians are "public health purists," which means they'd like little to no private-sector involvement in health care, while 28 per cent say increasing privatization is necessary. If the government were to think to provide more government funding, then it'll side with the 28% of people who want privatization.

 @9HF4SJKfrom Ontario disagreed…5mos5MO

If people want to pay for better service then why not let them, as that money can go to creating a better healthcare system for everyone.

 @9H56SMQLiberalfrom Ontario disagreed…5mos5MO

Healthcare privatization should be funded by the government if anyone because they have a lot of money for areas like this that many be in need of more help than others

 @9GQ4Z66from Ontario disagreed…6mos6MO

Not all healthcare should be privatized, as most people can’t afford it. But I think families should be given the option. If they can pay for it, they should be allowed to receive services sooner

 @9FNYB3Cfrom Ontario disagreed…7mos7MO

When everybody is healthy, everybody can contribute to society in a more productive way. Healthcare is a right, not a privilege and everybody should be entitled to the same quality healthcare regardless of their status.


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