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 @9GFRJZVfrom Alberta disagreed…6mos6MO

Children need to be loved and cared for. The system is struggling to support children that have been removed from their homes or do not have a home; why would we not support children being accepted into a home where they will be cared for? It would be a bonus to Canada if this alleviated some of the financial pressures as well.

 @9GGTHHDPeople’sfrom Ontario disagreed…6mos6MO

They should be able to adopt children because if they are fit to be a parent they have should the same rights.

 @9GPJVB9from British Columbia disagreed…6mos6MO

homophobic laws are hateful, coercive, and disturbing and seek to impose authoritarian clerical domination on people for being who they are. It remains a mystery to me why people can't get it through their brains that being gay is an innate trait you are born with and is completely natural and human. Any laws that discriminate against LGBT people are rooted in bigotry and ideologies that represent the most decrepit, self-flagellating irrational animuses of humanity.

 @9L2HYCTfrom Ontario disagreed…4wks4W

I don't see any reason why people who are apart of the LGBTQ community wouldn't have the right to adopt a child of their own.

 @9JYQ4R5from Ontario disagreed…2mos2MO

All families, no matter who they are composed of should have the right to adopt a child. Raising a child in an LGBT household will not lower their quality of life nor the happiness they have growing up. The beautiful thing about adoption is being able to provide a child with a forever home that can provide them with love and support. Restricting who can and cannot adopt a child is unjust for both the families involved and the children in need of a loving home.

 @9JVTX4Wfrom Alberta disagreed…2mos2MO

Everyone is human and a person. Gender identification or same sex partners should have a choice and right to raise a family as every human is able too why exclude humans for a personal preference.

 @9HYHSQKNew Democraticfrom Alberta disagreed…3mos3MO

Having same sex parents does not affect the child in any mental or physical sense. "New research shows that children adopted into lesbian and gay families are as well-adjusted as children adopted by heterosexual parents, and follow similar patterns of gender development." said Charlotte J. Patterson, PhD, a psychology professor at the University of Virginia. Having same sex parents may provide the child with a more safe and a comfortable life style.

 @9HPZTNXfrom Alberta disagreed…4mos4MO

LGBT should have adoption rights, only if they are qualified to and if they meet psychological standards for adoption, as well as a proper home.

 @9HDTFWKfrom Ontario disagreed…5mos5MO

The general idea is that a homosexual couple can't provide for a child in the same way a heterosexual couple can.

 @9H4Y24Rfrom Ontario disagreed…5mos5MO

They are the same people as heterosexual people and should not be restricted on adoption rights. As long as they've proven to be an adequate patient they should have the right.

 @9H24J3Pfrom Ontario disagreed…5mos5MO

They should be able to adopt children because if they are fit to be a parent they have should the same rights.

 @9GZNRRFLiberalfrom Alberta disagreed…5mos5MO

a child can be raised by any two parents there is even single parents. Straight couples and same sex couples can have the same capability to raise a good citizen. plus Same sex couples can't have their own biological children easily so adopting may be the only choice.

 @9GTKJ4Sfrom Ontario disagreed…5mos5MO

Everyone should have an equal opportunity to apply for and prove that they can be good parents to children looking to be adopted. The sexuality of the individuals should have absolutely no part in the decision of allow adults to foster a child. As long and the people looking to adopt will give the child a safe home, and will treat them with kindness and do everything for them that is in the child best interest there is no reason they should not be allowed to adopt that child.

 @9GRM2VHfrom Ontario disagreed…5mos5MO

Children need to be loved and cared for. The system is struggling to support children that have been removed from their homes or do not have a home; why would we not support children being accepted into a home where they will be cared for? It would be a bonus to Canada if this alleviated some of the financial pressures as well.

 @9GQV9DVfrom Texas disagreed…5mos5MO

If a couple is willing to take in a homeless child, they should have the protected right to do so, regardless if there are two males, two females or another combination. It should be about finding the child a home, not discrimination.

 @9GQMJ9BNew Democraticfrom Ontario disagreed…5mos5MO

why would we not support children being accepted into a home where they will be cared for? children need love and care

 @9GB366SConservativefrom New Brunswick disagreed…6mos6MO

They are still people, just the same gender. That’s like saying that women can’t vote because they’re women. 2 women can’t adopt because they are both women just doesn’t make sense it todays world.

 @9G7JLYDConservativefrom Ontario disagreed…6mos6MO

everyone should be allowed the same opportunities for adoption regardless of gender or sexual orientation. LGBT couples are no different than man-woman couples and can provide just as much love and support.

 @9FR98BTfrom Ontario disagreed…7mos7MO

being in a same sex relationship does not make a person any less capable of raising a child, severe drug addicts are able to have and raise children, so i simply do not see any issue with a same sex couple having a child.

 @9FLHB7Gfrom Ontario disagreed…7mos7MO

people like who they like. a man can like a man and they can adopt because it does not matter if you are gay because gay people have rights to.

 @9FL5XNNfrom Saskatchewan disagreed…7mos7MO

You shouldn't judge people based off of what they like. You should form your opinion on them based off of if they are good people or not.

 @9FL54CXfrom Prince Edward Island disagreed…7mos7MO

Why not? if your argument is based on religion, **** you. Not everyone is part of your **** y religion, and you can **** right out of my life. If you say we need a male & female role model, 1st of all, gender queer people exist? Hello? 2nd of all, a child's role models does not stop at their parents, and single parent families also exist.

 @9FJSRV9from Ontario disagreed…7mos7MO

There is no evidence to say that children of LGBT families are impacted negatively at all by the orientation of their parents.

 @9FWFJ58from Alberta disagreed…7mos7MO

hear this, straight people that can make children can adopt I child if that one family cant make a child but a couple that

 @9FTWNW6from Alberta disagreed…7mos7MO

people in the lgbt are human too so they should be allowed to adopt just like a straight couple can.

 @9FLZGNBfrom Ontario disagreed…7mos7MO

Everyone has the right to be a father or mother no matter their sexuality or gender. Everyone in this world deserves a chance to experience that.

 @9FH6KQFfrom Alberta disagreed…7mos7MO

They have to go through the same system as straight parents who couldn't have kids. To make sure the home is safe.

 @9GB39WSfrom New Brunswick disagreed…6mos6MO

I believe same sex couples should have the same adoption rights as straight relationships. The reason being we are all human, no matter what your preference is partner wise. Someone’s relationship ideals shouldn’t have any affect on if they are fit or not to adopt a child. The argument “but every kid needs a mom/dad in their life!” is invalid; what about the kids who grew up with single parents? They lacked a parental figure and turn out fine, therefore that statement can immediately be proved as false.

 @9FRVPDRfrom Ontario disagreed…7mos7MO

LGBT couples are often more mentally stable than straight couples, so a child will be in a safer and more accepting home than a child of a straight couple.

 @9GLMSKJfrom British Columbia disagreed…6mos6MO

There is literally no evidence what so ever that proves that having two moms or two dads is harmful for children

 @9GK4ZTHfrom Ontario disagreed…6mos6MO

A traditional mother and father family has been broken countless times. Especially with single parents

 @9FGLBV2from British Columbia disagreed…7mos7MO

It doesn’t matter which gender parents have. It’s only important that they love their children and act like this

 @9LNBK9LNew Democraticfrom Alberta disagreed…5hrs5H

LGBTQ+ people are no different than straight people and their sexual preference has no effect on their parenting abilities


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