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 @9JM8LNCfrom Alberta agreed…3mos3MO

The wealthiest 20% yet holds nearly 70% of the wealth in Canada, while the poorest 20% hold less than 3%. That alone is staggering.

 @9GTB44YNew Democraticfrom Ontario agreed…6mos6MO

If tax was not in place, the programs we take for granted every day could end up costing way more all in the name of profit and greed. Although tax isn't nice, kit is needed.

 @9FS7WF4Liberalfrom Ontario agreed…7mos7MO

The most important rationale for a wealth tax is to reverse the age-old trend of rising inequality. Wealth taxes are meant to move society in the opposite direction, that of promoting equality.

 @9FCMXY2from Alberta agreed…7mos7MO

higher taxes on the rich will provide more for those who cannot afford to be paying higher amouts of childcare. Extra curricular activites can be subsidised with the help of those taxes. The cuts that have happened will come back and it will benefit the economy and the citizens of Canada. We will be able to do more for the children which whom matter the most because they are the future.


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