Try the political quiz

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 @9JPQCBFfrom Ontario disagreed…2mos2MO

Burning the flag has no significant consequences, it is just the burning of material. Regardless of if one detests the action it should be protected as freedom of expression in a democracy.

 @9H4KM54from Alberta disagreed…5mos5MO

Burning the Canadian flag is very disrespectful. There should be jail time and a very large fine and community service for burning the Canadian flag. If an immigrant burns Canadian flag, jail and fine then deportation.

 @9GZ759Vfrom Ontario agreed…5mos5MO

No you are unable too, most men and women have fought for your rights so don’t mess with our flag. Should not be illegal but she get a fine .

 @9FLYHLXfrom Ontario agreed…7mos7MO

Government is totally having a right to put person under penalty as we truly love Canada and if we are living here we should respect those rules

 @9FJ79K9from Quebec disagreed…7mos7MO

Why? Why should it matter? Canadian patriotism is sickening, and if people want to show their distaste for their country, let them. Most people who would burn the Canadian flag likely don't even mean anything by it and simply wish to provoke by pressing people's buttons.

 @9LMCHCFConservativefrom Nova Scotia agreed…2 days2D

This isn't an evidence based question it is simply that there are much better ways of expressing your opinion


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