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 @9JPQCBFfrom Ontario disagreed…3mos3MO

People who are born in Canada have no other option to become citizens otherwise they would remain stateless. They have gone through the education system and should know basic facts about Canada. Immigrants on the other hand have chosen to come to Canada, they should understand how things work and important things about our history.

 @9J2W84Xfrom Ontario disagreed…3mos3MO

If the citizens have great contribution to Canada's community, they shouldn't be limited or accused because of the failure of citizenship test. Besides, citizenship test is to aware the citizens know the history or some information of Canada, it shouldn't be a standard to identify the value of citizens who fail the citizenship test.

 @9H24DFZfrom Ontario disagreed…5mos5MO

It does not matter, Because immigrants are different from citizens in every aspect. They are coming to the country with a goal in mind that we don’t know about.


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