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 @9FDNVC7from Alberta disagreed…7mos7MO

I do agree because most teachers work very hard and are paid a decent amount, but I feel like it would also make more sense if people teaching the higher grades get a higher income than the lower grades.

 @9FCPY9KConservativefrom British Columbia disagreed…7mos7MO

The beauty of charter schools is that tax payers do not need to pay for specialized education that focusses on sports, arts, religion, or the such. For people to choose to send their children to these private schools is quite simply that: a choice. Therefore, they need to foot the bill for it, not tax payers. As for the public schools, there are already overpopulation issues in urban areas, with not enough staff (ex .a class of 40 students, largely ELL students with minimal Educational Assistants in the classroom). By allowing for charter schools, this reduces the class size and allows students in public schools to have more one-on-one attention.


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