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 @9GCF23Bfrom New Brunswick agreed…6mos6MO

The counter argument to the Pro Life position is that abortion is a complex and deeply personal and emotional choice. Women weigh many factors like their health, their age, financial stability and how they got pregnant. (like rape or incest) The pro choice argument says that it is not the government or society's place to dictate these deeply personal decisions for women.

 @9F83VC3Conservativefrom British Columbia disagreed…8mos8MO

I believe that life begins at conception and that if you are not ready for the responsibilities of a child, use protection or dont have sex at all.

 @9LQGWWHNew Democraticfrom British Columbia agreed…3 days3D

If people have the education they they need about their body they will understand how to prevent a pregnancy if they don't want it. Therefor elimination many abortions that are caused by a lack of knowledge or protection.

 @9FLB5J6from British Columbia disagreed…7mos7MO

Even if you allow Pro-Choice with more social services and benefits, abortion rates would not reduce in number but rather increase as people will see this as a get out of jail free card and take advantage of this new law or bill if it is instated into a nation, state, or province.

 @9F9HNX4from Ontario disagreed…7mos7MO

Access to birth control is necassary. Students being taught in school about the risks of young sex is not talked about enough. Abortion is your choice but i think there should be restrictions on how long into the growth of the baby you can. rape and incest are automatically the choice of the mother

 @9F7XDJ9Conservativefrom Alberta disagreed…8mos8MO

That the reality is is that your ending the life of someone who has potential to do something great for this country and that your gonna end that life just doesn't sit well with me.

 @9GVNYSSfrom Manitoba agreed…6mos6MO

Many parents are not prepared to have a baby, which without abortions will either lead to badly raised children or they will be dumped into the already overloaded adoption system.

 @9GXV9V3from Ontario agreed…5mos5MO

Teen pregnancies can happen do to a lack of education on the topic and lack of support to carry a child. No one can tell someone when they are ready to have sexual relationships and when they do decide they are ready that doesn’t necessarily mean they are ready to have a child. There are many children in the foster care system today that are abused in many different ways, some people find that not having to put any child through that is better than giving them a life that they will suffer tremendously through. Providing women and young girls with the education and resources they need to get the help they need in making these decisions is better than shaming them into something they are not ready for.

 @9GWTMW3from Nova Scotia agreed…5mos5MO

In the bible belt in the USA, where the access to sex-ed, contraception, and abortion is sub-par at best, teen pregnancies are some of the highest in the country.


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