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 @9H4K6DGPeople’sfrom Alberta agreed…5mos5MO

Most people can respond back to hate speech in a fair way, both sides should have equal opportunity to discuss their opinions.

 @9GD2SLSfrom Nova Scotia disagreed…6mos6MO

To have a “yes” position on Hate Speech goes directly against the constitution, and affects all citizens.

 @9G7M8WWLiberalfrom Ontario disagreed…6mos6MO

Freedom of speech is important but it should be limited in some situations, like when it promotes hate talk, and it has to come with responsibilities like to promote peace.

 @9FNQCN7from Alberta agreed…7mos7MO

Sweeping issues under the rug does not work. Suppressing Hate realistically has accomplished nothing, Hate prospers.
Free speech effectively combats open discussion and criticism of all ideas.
Reason defeats Hate


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