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 @9GMSTQFfrom Ontario disagreed…6mos6MO

"Hate speech" is a moving target; attitudes towards which speech qualifies as hateful are constantly changing, and never consistent amongst individuals. Allowing any person or group to define what qualifies as hate speech is necessarily going to reflect their biases, and, in the long run, make those hateful ideas more attractive by virtue of creating taboos around them. So hate speech not only is undefinable and largely ideological, but worsens the problem it tries to solve.

 @9FNQCN7from Alberta disagreed…7mos7MO

The definition of hate speech can be subject to political biases. Suppressing Hate speech often has a the counterintuitive affect of validating those who spread hateful ideologies. The most effective way to combat Hate is through open discussions and logically sound debates. Hateful beliefs can not actually withstand logical arguments, because Hate is derived purely from emotional thinking. Simply silencing individuals doesn't change minds or ideas. Contrary evidence does.


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