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 @9H4KC4Kfrom Ontario disagreed…5mos5MO

Canada is a very privileged country, and as a privileged nation I believe it is our job to support those less fortunate in order to create a better overall world

 @9G9SPWJfrom Ontario agreed…6mos6MO

We need to decrease the cost of Foreign aid because the one that we spend on other countries, are money that should be used to support our own country.

 @9FLPP22from Ontario agreed…7mos7MO

Use the tax payer money some where else to benefit us, put it back into communities or something, anything Canadian!

 @9FL6KSZLiberalfrom Ontario disagreed…7mos7MO

It's like wanting to knock off the ropes holding your boat to an island because you feel safer at sea. you're not, you lose alot.

 @9FCMYXRConservativefrom Alberta agreed…7mos7MO

Our military, our police departments, our healthcare, our housing, EVERYTHING would have been funded with the money used to send to UKRAINE. How unfortunate that the country we live in have no means to support any of us yet will go to lengths with no questions asked when other countries demand aid, especially financially.


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