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 @9G3RRJ9from Alberta disagreed…6mos6MO

If someone kills and innocent person they don’t deserve to see the light of day. They made a commitment to take someones life away permanently, unless they have truly found peace in themselfs and have completely realized that what they did was wrong, then maybe, just maybe can they be freed and have a second chance at life.

 @9H4PTJXfrom Ontario disagreed…5mos5MO

people can change with the proper psychological treatment (psych ward and proper medication as well as steady therapy)

 @9GPTQJDNew Democraticfrom Ontario disagreed…6mos6MO

Don't do the crime if you cannot do the time. Severe crime punishments should not be negociated. They are a danger to society and thus must pay a price.

 @9GGP74V from Ontario disagreed…6mos6MO

They don't deserve being freed since they murdered someone and they should not be treated with the same respect as other people.

 @9FT6DDXfrom Ontario disagreed…7mos7MO

It really depends on what the person did if it was something crazy then I would ask them to tell me why they should be elligble for parole at all.

 @9FN2HSDfrom Ontario disagreed…7mos7MO

People who took another life should not expect to be treated with a high level of compassion and at that point in crime, punishment is above rehabilitation

 @9F9WQYKfrom British Columbia disagreed…7mos7MO

People who commit first degree murder should infact get the death penalty in some cases. First degree murder is usually planned meaning the person had full intention of killing somebody. They should get the death penalty because if you take an innocent person’s life, your life should be taken as punishment. I also feel like it would scare the public more into not committing murders.


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