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 @9HQHGWBfrom Ontario agreed…4mos4MO

I don't think murderers should be forgiven because they fully ended somebodies life, and i don't believe that they should get to live theirs, they should spend it in jail. Its also not fair to the victim because personally I wouldn't want the person who killed me to get to live a happy life.

 @9H2PNX4from Ontario agreed…5mos5MO

Subjectivity of Evaluations:

Psychological evaluations, while valuable, are inherently subjective. Different evaluators may interpret the same data differently, raising questions about the reliability and consistency of assessments.

 @9FN2HSDfrom Ontario agreed…7mos7MO

What kind of society says that if you kill someone, we might lock you up for a few years but if your good you be an leave after that


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