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 @9LNHWWSfrom Ontario  disagreed…3hrs3H

Women can get pregnant as young as 8 years old. Would you wish a child to be stuck raising another child for the rest of…

 @9LNHG9Pfrom Quebec  disagreed…3hrs3H

Public transportation should lower the prices because it costs a lot to go on a train or take a bus without losing serio…

 @9LNHG7Nfrom Ontario  agreed…3hrs3H

If you do not agree to this, then don't make a big deal out of it. I mean this because once someone makes a comment, peo…

 @9LNHG7Nfrom Ontario  disagreed…3hrs3H

I would say no. But it is anyone's choice, but I certainly do not support gay marriage. I think people were made to marr…

 @9LNHF97from Ontario  agreed…3hrs3H

I think if canada make it where u have gun control I feel like it's ok there will probably be a little more crims but…

 @9LNHF97from Ontario  disagreed…3hrs3H

I think Canada right now at this moment I think that we should keep it the way it is no guns but I do feel like when p…

 @9LNGY9C disagreed…4hrs4H

In addition to forced pregnancy being a clear intrusion on a woman's human rights, the economic detriments of forcing wo…

 @9LNGY9C answered…4hrs4H

No, increase standards/entry requirement of police education to focus more on sources of criminality

 @9LNDD2Hfrom British Columbia  answered…8hrs8H

Foreign buyers should be barred from buying houses in Canada. Purchasing of house should only be available Canadian citi…

 @9LNCC45from British Columbia  answered…10hrs10H

Yes, but only if their biological sex places them at a physical disadvantage (female to male transgenders for example)

 @9LNCC45from British Columbia  disagreed…11hrs11H

Decriminalizing drugs increases the spreading of hard drugs into schools and young populations. I wish my friends had be…