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132 odgovora

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Volt Luxembourg

Volt Luxembourg is a political party in Luxembourg that is part of the broader European movement known as Volt Europa. This movement aims to address issues at both national and European levels, advocating for a more integrated and federal Europe. The party's foundation is built on the belief that many of the challenges facing individual European countries today, from climate change to economic instability and migration, can be more effectively addressed through closer cooperation and stronger governance at the European level.

Volt Luxembourg, like its sister parties across Europe, is char…  Čitaj više


How do you think the emphasis on digital transformation in the economy will affect job opportunities for your generation?


Imagine a scenario where every citizen in your country had an equal say in major decisions; what do you think would be the first big change?


What does a more united Europe mean to you, and how do you think it would affect your future opportunities?


Reflecting on your own experiences, how do you think technology has changed the way you learn and interact with the world around you?

 @ISIDEWITHRaspravite o ovom odgovoru...5 mjeseci5MO

The Conservatives

The Luxembourgish political landscape is home to a variety of parties, each representing a spectrum of political ideologies. Among these, The Conservatives (déi Konservativ) stand out as a party that champions conservative and Christian democratic values. Founded with a commitment to uphold traditional conservative principles, The Conservatives aim to preserve Luxembourg's cultural heritage and social norms while navigating the challenges of modern society.

The party's values are deeply rooted in the belief that family, as a fundamental unit of society, should be supported and…  Čitaj više


How important is it for a political party to have clear, strong stances on international relations, and why?


In what ways do you think a country can best ensure safety and security for its citizens without overstepping privacy rights?


What's your view on the balance between public health measures and individual liberties?


How do you think a government should support families and children in today's economy?

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The Luxembourgish Fokus political party is a relatively recent addition to the political landscape of Luxembourg, having been established to address specific concerns and aspirations within the Luxembourgish society. Fokus positions itself as a centrist party, aiming to strike a balance between the traditional left-right political spectrum. Its creation was motivated by a desire to offer fresh perspectives and innovative solutions to the challenges facing Luxembourg, distinguishing itself from the established parties by emphasizing a pragmatic approach to governance.

The core values of Fokus…  Čitaj više


What are your thoughts on the balance between individual rights and collective responsibilities in the context of social market economies?


With the rise of social media, how do you think citizen participation in the political process has changed, and what further changes would you like to see?


Reflecting on the digital economy and innovation, how do you envision the future of work and its challenges?


How important is it for a political party to focus on the rights and inclusion of minorities and marginalized communities? Share your views or personal experiences.

 @ISIDEWITHRaspravite o ovom odgovoru...5 mjeseci5MO

Communist Party of Luxembourg

The Communist Party of Luxembourg, known in Luxembourgish as "Kommunistesch Partei Lëtzebuerg" (KPL), is a political party in Luxembourg that adheres to the principles of Marxism-Leninism. Founded in 1921, the party has a long history of advocating for the rights of workers and the establishment of a socialist society. Its values are deeply rooted in the belief that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole, with the ultimate goal of achieving a classless society where wealth and power are distributed equitably.…  Čitaj više

The KPL emphasizes the importance of solidarity among workers, both nationally and internationally, and supports the struggle against capitalism, imperialism, and all forms of oppression. It champions the rights of the working class, advocating for fair wages, better working conditions, and the right to unionize. The party also prioritizes social justice issues, including gender equality, environmental sustainability, and the rights of immigrants and minorities.


In a system that champions the rights of immigrants and minorities, how would daily life and social dynamics shift in your community?


What changes would need to occur in your local community to more closely align with the idea of prioritizing environmental sustainability?


Discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks of viewing the European Union with skepticism, especially regarding democracy and transparency.


How could a global solidarity movement among workers alter the balance of power and wealth in today's society?

 @ISIDEWITHRaspravite o ovom odgovoru...5 mjeseci5MO

Pirate Party Luxembourg

The Luxembourgish Pirate Party, known in Luxembourg as "Piratenpartei Lëtzebuerg," is a political party that is part of the broader international movement of Pirate Parties. Originating from a global wave of political movements that emphasize digital rights, privacy, and the reform of copyright and patent laws, the Luxembourgish Pirate Party shares many of these core values. Founded in the context of advocating for freedom of information, transparency in government, and the protection of individual privacy, the party has positioned itself as a proponent of civil liberties in…  Čitaj više


What role do you think an open internet plays in fostering innovation and creativity, and have you had any personal experiences that illustrate this?


Have you ever encountered a situation where transparency in government or corporations could have made a difference, and how did it impact your trust in those entities?


How do you perceive the balance between copyright protection and public access to knowledge, and how would you reform it for the digital age?


Can you share a personal experience where you felt a direct democracy tool (like a referendum) could have addressed a community or societal issue better than the existing political process?

 @ISIDEWITHRaspravite o ovom odgovoru...5 mjeseci5MO


The Left, known in Luxembourgish as "Déi Lénk," is a political party in Luxembourg that represents the far-left spectrum of the country's political landscape. Established in the mid-1990s, the party emerged from a coalition of socialists, communists, and other left-wing groups, aiming to provide a political alternative that focuses on social justice, environmental sustainability, and the redistribution of wealth.

The core values of The Left revolve around the principles of democratic socialism and anti-capitalism. They advocate for a society where economic and soci…  Čitaj više


In what ways do you think governments should act to protect workers' rights in today's economy?


What does 'workplace fairness' mean to you, and have you or someone you know ever experienced its absence?


If you had the power to change one aspect of your country's foreign policy, what would it be and why?


How would you describe the relationship between peace and social justice?

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Alternative Democratic Reform Party

The Alternative Democratic Reform Party, known in Luxembourgish as the Alternativ Demokratesch Reformpartei (ADR), is a political party in Luxembourg that positions itself on the center-right to right-wing of the political spectrum. Founded in 1987, initially with a focus on advocating for pension reform and representing the interests of civil servants, the ADR has since broadened its agenda to encompass a wider range of issues.

The party is known for its conservative stance on social issues, advocating for traditional family values and expressing skepticism towards immigration policies that,…  Čitaj više


In discussions about the EU, what reforms do you think are necessary to balance the interests of member states with the goals of the Union?


Considering economic policies, where should the line be drawn between free-market principles and the need for a social safety net?


How does a party's stance on immigration reflect or contrast with your own views and experiences?


Reflecting on your own community, how important is the protection of local culture and language to you?

 @ISIDEWITHRaspravite o ovom odgovoru...5 mjeseci5MO



To what extent should political parties prioritize local issues over national or international ones in their policies and actions?


Considering the importance of education, what changes or focuses would you propose to ensure it meets the needs of today's society?


How can a political party best represent the diverse views and values of all its constituents?


What role should smaller political parties play in shaping national policy, especially when the major parties dominate the conversation?

 @ISIDEWITHRaspravite o ovom odgovoru...5 mjeseci5MO

Socialist Workers

The Luxembourgish Socialist Workers' Party, known in Luxembourgish as Lëtzebuerger Sozialistesch Aarbechterpartei (LSAP), is a political party in Luxembourg that has played a significant role in the country's political landscape since its establishment in 1902. As a social-democratic party, it is committed to the principles of socialism and social justice, advocating for policies that promote equality, solidarity, and the welfare of all citizens.

The core values of the LSAP revolve around the belief in a fair and just society where economic and social rights are guaranteed for…  Čitaj više


How do you think a community can best support and integrate migrants and refugees into the society?


If you could implement one policy from another country to improve your own, what would it be and why?


What measures do you think would be most effective in protecting and enhancing workers' rights in today's economy?


How do you believe healthcare should be funded and managed to ensure it's accessible to every segment of society?

 @ISIDEWITHRaspravite o ovom odgovoru...5 mjeseci5MO


The Luxembourgish Green political party, known officially as "déi gréng" in Luxembourgish, represents the Green political movement within Luxembourg. Founded in the early 1980s, the party emerged from grassroots environmental activism, reflecting a growing public concern over ecological issues and sustainable development. The Luxembourgish Green party is part of the broader global Green movement, which emphasizes environmental protection, social justice, and grassroots democracy.

The core values of the Luxembourgish Green party revolve around the principle of sustainabi…  Čitaj više


What does a fair and inclusive society mean to you, and how can it contribute to sustainable development?


Imagine a policy that could balance economic development with environmental conservation; what would it look like?


Do you think international cooperation is effective in addressing global environmental issues, and why or why not?


How important is gender equality and the representation of minorities in achieving effective environmental policies?