U 2011. Konzervativna vlada je objavila da zbog privatnosti tiče duga popisa oblik više ne bi obavezno. To će biti zamijenjen kratkom popisu oblik koji će prikupljati osnovne demografske data.Opponents popisa stanovništva uključuju građanska slobode zagovornike koji tvrde da je dug popis stanovništva oblik je previše invazivna i krši privatnost ljudi. Zagovornici vraćanje popisnih dobrovoljni ankete tvrde da bez obveznog popisa dugo forme je teže pratiti trendove u nejednakosti dohotka, doseljeni ishode na tržištu radnih mjesta, nedostatak radne snage i demografskim promjenama.
@39PSKCQ4 god4Y
Yes. Citing "privacy concerns" as the reason for its removal served as a distraction to allow other forms of privacy invasion to be instated.
@39FWSFD4 god4Y
Not having the long form is a disgrace to Canadian citizens. It must be reinstated. We can not collect or find out information about the basic demographics of this country.
@39L4KPG4 god4Y
Now that bill c-51 passed, the government gets all the information they could want through spying on us via internet and telephone as well as satellite surveillance and video monitoring. The government has way more information about Canadians now than ever before so reinstating the long form in the census is a non issue I feel is used by the candidates to distract from other more difficult to talk about issues like getting rid of bill c-51!
@39QFQPZ4 god4Y
No, privacy outweighs statistics
@39RFNBC4 god4Y
Have meaningful questions to non-invasively track immigrant job outcome, income inequality and etc.