Haruskah Kanada menaikkan atau menurunkan tarif pajak untuk perusahaan?
Kanada saat ini mengenakan pajak 15% - 26% untuk semua bisnis dan setiap provinsi mengenakan tarif pajak tambahan 11% - 16%. Tarif pajak perusahaan rata-rata di seluruh dunia adalah 22,6%. Para penentang berpendapat bahwa menaikkan suku bunga akan mencegah investasi asing dan melukai ekonomi. Para pendukung berpendapat bahwa laba perusahaan menghasilkan harus dikenakan pajak seperti pajak warga negara.
@LNKQGX4 tahun4Y
It really depends on many factors such as the type of industry and whether they are local and foreign.
@LNMJGN4 tahun4Y
Make tax laws less complex, to remove loop holes.
@LNV2VZ4 tahun4Y
Remove tax deduction and haven capabilities, while at same time monitoring and enforcing taxation, especially with the Big Banks.
@LNY3RF4 tahun4Y
Government should prevent Corporations from hiding proofs in tax shelters
@M49LV84 tahun4Y
Flat tax rate for individuals and corporations. No loopholes, no exemptions.
@LXC5MN4 tahun4Y
profits on large corperations should be more heavily taxed
@M2M6MJ4 tahun4Y
Implement heavy taxes at times of prosperity, a peak where taxes would minimally impact corporations.
@LKY3CL4 tahun4Y
Tax rate directly influenced by number of full time jobs in the corp in canada
@M5K9LS4 tahun4Y
Increase somewhat, allow dividends to be deducted before taxes, withholding tax on dividends refundable to Canadian taxpayers, eliminate dividend tax credit, index capital cost allowance, defer taxation on new equity investment.
@M36Y884 tahun4Y
Tax those who ship overseas more. Get rid of loopholes and evasion. Be more transparent to the public.
@LMCTJX4 tahun4Y
Make corporations with off shore offices pay taxes
@M383G64 tahun4Y
Eliminate tax subsidies and loopholes for oil and gas sector
@LMLVC84 tahun4Y
Canada should raise minimum wage and create other incentives for companies to pay their workers well
@LMQCHB4 tahun4Y
Corporate Taxes should be abolished. Tax the dividends received by the shareholders, and if the shareholders are non-Canadians a foreign tax of 25% should be imposed, unless the country they are from has a similar tax rule as we do.
@LMN2D34 tahun4Y
Increase for companies based on their pollution and human rights transgressions
@LMXYHW4 tahun4Y
Lower taxes, but increase taxes on funds not spent by companies. Large savings of corporations should be taxed at a higher rate.
@LN5QLP4 tahun4Y
balance based on employee benefits, Canadian based, money staying in Canada
@LN6XCV4 tahun4Y
Focus on closing loop-holes that enable tax evasion.
@LNDCNG4 tahun4Y
Only raise the tax if companies are not willing to reinvest in training or hiring