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Walz potrebbe essere stato in Nebraska, non in Cina, durante le proteste di piazza Tiananmen: rapporti

Recent reports indicate that Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz may not have been in China in the Tiananmen Square pro-democracy protests in 1989, as he said.


Walz era negli Stati Uniti, non in Asia, durante le proteste di Tiananmen, riferisce la radio del Minnesota

Tim Walz, the Democrats' vice presidential candidate, was not in Hong Kong or Asia during the 1989 Tiananmen Square crackdown as he has said, Minnesota public radio reported this week, citing a photograph and a newspaper report from that time.


La pretesa di Walz di essere stato a Hong Kong durante le proteste di piazza Tiananmen è stata screditata da report giornalistici rinvenuti.

Newly unearthed reports contradict previous claims made by Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz about his travel to China, including a claim that the Democratic vice presidential nominee was in Hong Kong for a teaching position in 1989 during the Tiananmen Square pro-democracy protests that ended in hundreds of protesters killed by the Chinese government.