Statistics are shown for this demographic
3.5k Burlington 1-1 rinkėjų atsakymų rodikliai.
62% Taip |
38% Nr |
51% Taip |
31% Nr |
4% Yes, and regularly review recent immigrants to ensure they have become productive citizens |
3% No, the current policy is sufficient |
4% Yes, but make the process easier for skilled workers |
3% No, and make the process easier for refugees |
2% Yes, strictly screen immigrants for criminal backgrounds |
1% No, accept anyone who's not a violent criminal |
1% Yes, we currently have too many immigrants |
Palaikymo tendencija laikui bėgant kiekvienam 3.5k Burlington 1-1 rinkėjų atsakymui.
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Tendencija, kokia svarbi ši problema 3.5k Burlington 1-1 rinkėjų.
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Unikalūs atsakymai iš Burlington 1-1 rinkėjų, kurių nuomonė peržengė pateiktus variantus.
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