Increase, but only after our deficit is drastically reduced

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 @8XJMDVYfrom Nova Scotia answered…2yrs2Y

 @9HDV4JKfrom Alberta answered…4mos4MO

increased, but to an extent. not everything the military buys is useful. so if we are to give more money then we should monitor what they are spending it on.

 @9H5JSPPfrom Ontario answered…5mos5MO

Increase drastically. we can not rely on foreign countries to protect us when we will soon enough have to fight for ourselves

 @8TWDTHBfrom Alberta answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, and capabilities in the north need to be prioritized and procurement must be rationalized.

 @8SX7FGBfrom British Columbia answered…3yrs3Y

 @9L7B4GTfrom Alberta answered…3wks3W

Neither, instead a portion of military spending should go towards mental healthcare for soldiers with PTSD or other disorders

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