Provincially managed but with federal standards to ensure consistency
Provincial, the federal government should not have a role in education

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 @9H6GJSNfrom Alberta answered…5mos5MO

I believe both should be able to work together within the education system to ensure consistency, workflow, and staffing.

 @9JZB4QWfrom British Columbia answered…2mos2MO

The optimal approach for overseeing postsecondary education should balance provincial autonomy with federal involvement to ensure flexibility, responsiveness to local needs, consistency, and equity across the country.

 @9JVMDPQfrom Alberta answered…2mos2MO

I do not care whatever government brings the most amount of money in and success of students for the benefit of Canada.

 @9JN3LGRfrom Alberta answered…3mos3MO

Both levels of government should play a equal role in making post secondary more affordable but nothing else

 @9KMDGPJ answered…1mo1MO

Provincial management and limited federal standards in key subjects such as Maths and English or French.

 @9KKLP5Yfrom Ontario answered…2mos2MO

Academic institutions require regulation in terms of human rights and funding, but the government should encourage the pursuit of knowledge and public wellbeing through education as a general priority, perhaps offering more leeway to institutions than producing accreditation-based or labour outcomes.

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