Yes, and ban all disposable products that are not made of at least 75% of biodegradable material
No, but increase tax incentives for companies that make biodegradable products
No, increase consumer incentives to recycle these products instead

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Canada users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @9CBTBW3from Alberta answered…11mos11MO

Yes, but develop alternatives that still function as intended i.e. drink straws that dont degrade during initial use.

 @8KQL6XNfrom British Columbia answered…3yrs3Y

I agree to ban all disposable products that are not made of at least 75% of biodegradable material but also fix our recycling programs and GET HONEST about what Canada REALLY IS RECYCLING!! Programs for residential sorting at the curbside, THEN fines to loose individuals who don't sort properly

 @9LBWT4Xfrom Ontario answered…3wks3W

i think that tis would be okay if the replacement products are still good quality and reasonably priced.

 @9L7D6G4from Alberta answered…4wks4W

Yes, alongside fund researches towards efficient recycling and make it mandatory to recycle materials that have been processed rather than using raw materials

 @9L3WN3Zfrom British Columbia answered…1mo1MO

I believe corporations who are responsible for the manufacturing of these materials should hold themselves more accountable in the products ability to be easily recyclable, and should be doing more to help with the recycling initiative

 @9L3MN22from British Columbia answered…1mo1MO

Don’t ban the items. Make hemp or other biodegradable products easier to produce and more widely available. Not stupid paper straws. Good products

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