No, transportation services should be left to the private sector

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 @9K6M454from Ontario answered…2mos2MO

We have alot of transport we can get by and we defenitely dont need to spend more on railway tickets when we already have that thinking years ago in question that was finished, So no.

 @9H4KC4Kfrom Ontario answered…5mos5MO

Transit absolutely needs more funding, but it makes more sense to be on a municipal or provincial level

 @9GYSNHDfrom Nova Scotia answered…5mos5MO

Yes, but make sure that their is a plan on part of municipal governments, as well as the ridership and tax base to continue funding this project.

 @9GNXXXTfrom British Columbia answered…6mos6MO

Yes, but make sure that there is a plan on part of municipal governments, as well as the ridership and tax base to continue funding this project.

 @9D36K4Qfrom British Columbia answered…9mos9MO

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