Yes, but allow people to use private insurance
No, this system is too expensive
Yes, this system guarantees healthcare for everyone
No, the government should not be involved in healthcare
Yes, private companies should not be able to profit off of healthcare

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Canada users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @8XZC2RVfrom Ontario answered…2yrs2Y

no, the Canadian government is too ineffective to maintain such a system.

 @9L2P5YGfrom Ontario answered…4wks4W

Yes but up to a point. It should not extract too much money. Higher costs such as for ore severe injuries(MRI, Major X-Rays) should not be covered since they happen rarely. There should be a program for people who have these but are unable to pay. A loan with no insurance and only a +10% cost when returning the loan. Also government should make price for drugs the same for everyone and everywhere. I don't support high priced private institutions. Government should provide the drugs at the same cost for everyone.

 @9KFBDW3from Ontario answered…2mos2MO

Yes, but allow people to opt in or opt out and choose a different plan, and or pay for service elsewhere if desired.

 @9JC6BKVfrom Ontario answered…3mos3MO

The system isn't broken at the customer endpoint, it's further up the chain. This is an issue with first order thinking which will not fix the system.

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