Yes, drug abuse should be treated as a health issue, not a criminal issue
No, this would encourage drug use and lower funding for rehabilitation centers
Yes, this is necessary to reduce the drug overdose death rate
No, but legalize drugs

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 @9LDLLSNfrom Ontario answered…2wks2W

I agree with the statement, "Yes, drug abuse should be treated as a health issue, not a criminal issue," but I also think they should be trying to help the addicted people get sober in the process.

 @9JWWFBKfrom Ontario answered…2mos2MO

Yes, but management of this process needs some serous organization, otherwise it has no positive effect. Conditions should be implemented, designed to counsel, educate, and assist addicts to rehabilitate, not simply provide a fix.

 @9JWTCPTfrom Ontario answered…2mos2MO

They should be hidden or out of the way at least out of the city. Decriminalization of non violent offenders only.

 @9DG87Q8from Alberta answered…8mos8MO

 @9D8CGP7from Alberta answered…8mos8MO

Ideally, yes. However, depending on how the facility is run it can help, hinder, or ruin the city. So the facility needs to be run very strictly and needs to actually aim towards not only getting people help and away from addiction, but also to not getting new people addicted.

 @9D36K4Qfrom British Columbia answered…9mos9MO

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