Abolish, the recent corruption scandals have proven that any unelected body of government is detrimental towards democracy
Elect, and require members to be non-partisan
Elect, Senators that are elected are less prone to corruption

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 @9LJGNWT from British Columbia answered…6 days6D

Abolish the Senate as it presently exists and eliminate ALL pensions to senators. The senate should be a regionally elected body similar to the US in that all provinces and territories get two senators, regardless of population. In addition, those running for election must get 50.1% of the entire vote in order to be elected. Multiple parties and candidates may necessitate run off elections whereby candidate receiving less than a threshold number of votes; say 15%, 20 or 25% are eliminated from the next round. Same goes for electing the rats that are presently seated. They must achieve…  Read more

 @9LD8F4Qfrom Alberta answered…2wks2W

The entire government should be reorganized into a Constitutional Republic with an elected head of state, elected MPs, and senators who serve 6 year terms, 33% of whom are up for election every 2 years.

 @9KC26TVfrom British Columbia answered…2mos2MO

Elect by proportional representation and number of seats proportional to provincial population size.

 @9DRKX5Gfrom British Columbia answered…8mos8MO

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