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 @9CBTBW3from Alberta answered…10mos10MO

Yes, subsidize the installation of local/individual solar/wind apparatus to reduce the dependance on current methods and pass the savings on to home owners/renters who participate.

 @9LJGNWT from British Columbia answered…3 days3D

NO! The government should not favor any industry over another or any sector of a particular industry over another. Let free markets dictate what form or forms of transportation anyone uses. The carbon tax must be eliminated immediately. Vehicles and heavy equipment already have substantial pollution controls.

 @9L7D6G4from Alberta answered…3wks3W

Yes however the current sources of energy such as fossil fuel must not be disregarded. Instead of heavily relying on fossil fuels, the aim for energy consumption should be at least 40% renewable energy

 @9KBWSK8from Saskatchewan answered…2mos2MO

No, the government doesn’t have the understanding required to assess the impacts of “renewables”. It will also make the industry reliant on subsidies

 @9KBFTYW from British Columbia answered…2mos2MO

No, if the companies are private they should be allowed to succumb to the same economic factors that influence the rest of the economy. Energy production for individual consumers should be low cost for citizens since it is produced with our country's resources. Buildings for corporations should be required to produce or contribute to the production of energy through environmentally sustainable means.

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