Yes, but the $1 billion budget is too high
No, instead pursue those directly responsible for damage to lakes and rivers
No, we need it but cannot afford it right now
No, and drastically reduce government spending

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Other Popular Answers

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 @8VWB93Rfrom British Columbia answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, and pursue those directly responsible for damage to lakes and rivers

 @9KC6XPWfrom Alberta answered…2mos2MO

Spend the $1 billion directly on restoring and protecting ... no more time and money on research when we know what needs to be done. For crying out loud. AND nail those responsible for damage to lakes and rivers.

 @9JZP7TYfrom Quebec answered…2mos2MO

Government should help fund such projects with extreme transparency to the public and funding should be restricted to research done by Universities and or non-profit organizations

 @9HW52K8from Ontario answered…4mos4MO

No, and the government should permit corporations to dump toxic and/or harmful materials into large lakes and rivers.

 @9GNXXXTfrom British Columbia answered…6mos6MO

Yes. But, we should consult with provinces to tighten environmental protection and oversight to also protect our waters, as industry runoff and pollution cause a lot of problems.

 @98DVC2Kfrom Alberta answered…1yr1Y

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