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“I really do not know who to vote for in this election. I do know that I will not support anyone who promotes the Frenchification of Canada and New Brunswick and the marginalization of English speaking Canadians. English is the majority in Canada and currently only 17 percent of the population of Canada is eligible for the positions of power in Canada (i.e. Prime Minister, MPs, Governor General, and many more. Just look at the list of names for most Federal Departments...over 75 percent have French names). Also, I will not support anyone who plans to bring ISIS refugees to Canada because months ago ISIS said they would use refugees to infiltrate the world to bring about their Muslim domination of the world. This will lead to the end of the Canadian way of life and will bring terrorism right to our front doors.”

From a Liberal in Fredericton
In reponse to: Which party do you plan on voting for?

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