Increase, but only for countries that have no human rights violations
Decrease, until we drastically reduce our national budget deficit
Decrease, and we should not give foreign aid to any countries
Decrease, and deny aid to countries that harbor or promote terrorism

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from Canada users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @9KSKML3from Ontario answered…1mo1MO

Maintain foreign aid to countries that have been impacted by Canada's Colonial Legacy but allow locals to determine allocation and encourage community participation

 @9KNP36Ffrom Saskatchewan answered…1mo1MO

Increase for countries that share our interests and values, and decrease/stop aid to countries that do not need the aid or don't share our values/are committing human rights violations

 @9K6M454from Ontario answered…2mos2MO

there is a good portion of this money being sent to somewhere else for goods, but why need it for stuff that doesn't effect us? completely dumb.

 @9K6HR9Kfrom Ontario answered…2mos2MO

In a land of this, we wouldn't do anything as much as else to the world, besides of what is of important need to the local economy.

 @9K58RGLfrom Yukon Territory answered…2mos2MO

Maintain current levels while dramatically reducing any aid that goes to countries that do not support Western ideals. Specifically no countries that support terrorism, how's large terrorist bodies like Gaza, or treat women and orphans, or gay people, like garbage.

 @9JWTCPTfrom Ontario answered…2mos2MO

Not another nickle to any ally without independant evaluation regarding ANY human right violations committed & EVERY instance of civilian casualties. Suspended aid can be released if all has be done in good faith and if approved exoect uncompromising compliance accountability

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