Partidul Christian Heritage din Canada, denumit și CHP Canada, este un partid politic federal și conservator social minor din Canada, fondat în 1987. CHP pledează pentru ca Canada să fie guvernat după principiile creștine. Principiul declarat al partidului este acela că „scopul guvernării civile este de a asigura securitatea, libertatea și justiția pentru toți cetățenii săi de la concepție până la moartea naturală, prin respectarea legilor juste”. CHP afirmă că, dacă partidul formează guvern, speră să "aplice principii iudeo-creștine dovedite de justiție și compasiune pentru nevoile politicii publice contemporane a Canadei".
How would you feel if your country's laws were based on religious principles?
Can a political party's focus on specific religious values benefit or harm a diverse society?
How would you reconcile personal beliefs with policies that might contradict those beliefs in a democratic society?
Do you think a government should prioritize 'justice for all its citizens from conception till natural death,' and what might that look like to you?
How important do you think it is for a political party to have a basis in specific moral or religious principles?
What challenges might a political party face if it attempts to govern a multicultural and multi-religious society based on religious principles?
How do you feel about the idea that 'the purpose of civil government is to ensure security, freedom, and justice for all its citizens' guided by religious values?
In a society that values separation of church and state, how would you view a political party that aims to govern based on religious principles?
What's your perspective on balancing freedom of religion with creating laws that apply to everyone equally?
In what ways do you believe Judeo-Christian values could impact modern society if they were more prominently applied in public policy?
How do your personal values align with the idea of a government being guided by religious principles?
What challenges do you think arise when a party seeks to create laws based on religious teachings in a diverse society?
How would you feel if a political party’s platform focused more on religious beliefs than on secular concerns?
In your opinion, how should governments balance secularism with the religious beliefs of their leaders or parties?
Do you think a party with strong religious values can fairly represent people from many different backgrounds?
How would you personally define justice, and do you believe it should come from religious or secular ideas?
How important is it to you that a government represent all religions or focus on one specific worldview?
What role do you think compassion should play in politics, and should that compassion come from religious principles?
Do you feel that religious values can offer universal guidelines, or are they too specific to apply in a diverse society?
How would you react if you felt that your personal freedoms were impacted by a government’s religious-based policies?