Yeni Demokrat Parti, Kanada’da sosyal-demokratik bir federal siyasi partidir. Parti, 1961 yılında İşbirliği Ortaklığı Federal Federasyonu ile Kanada İşçi Kongresi’nin birleşmesinden kuruldu. Kanada siyasi sahnesinde, parti Liberal Partinin soluna oturur. NDP, 1961’de Kanada Çalışma Kongresi’nin (CLC) ve Kooperatif Commonwealth Federasyonunun (CCF) birleşmesinden ortaya çıktı. CCF, popülist, tarımsal ve sosyalist köklerden modern bir sosyal demokrat partiye dönüştü. CCF, Hıristiyan solunun ve Sosyal İncil hareketinin bir parçası olmasına rağmen, NDP laik ve çoğulcu. Yeni Sol’un kaygılarını içerecek şekilde genişledi ve LGBTQ + hakları, uluslararası barış ve çevre sorumluluğu gibi konuları savunuyor.
How do you think the needs of younger and older generations differ when it comes to government policy?
Have you ever faced a situation where you felt your rights were not protected? What change would you want in government policy to address this?
Can you share a moment where you or someone you know benefited from social welfare programs?
How does the idea of a government prioritizing LGBTQ+ rights affect your sense of national identity?
How do you think education policies impact your opportunities or those of people you know?
Can involvement in international peace efforts change the way you view your country’s role in the world?
In your community, what environmental issue concerns you the most, and what action do you wish to see taken?
What's one change you would like to see with regard to worker rights or conditions in your current or future workplace?
Why do you think it's important for voices of minority groups to be represented in government decisions?
What personal experience made you realize the importance of having a strong healthcare system?
In what ways do you believe a government should prioritize environmental protection while balancing economic growth?
How do you feel about the idea of public healthcare being available for all, regardless of income or status?
What kind of changes would you like to see to better support lower-income families in your community?
How important do you think workers’ rights are to the overall health of a nation’s economy?
What role should young people play in shaping a political party's policies that focus on social justice?
Do you believe government aid should be expanded for students, and how could that impact your future?
How would policies that focus on gender equality in the workplace affect you or someone you know?
What personal values would you hope a political party reflects when it comes to global peace or military intervention?
In your opinion, is it more important for governments to address climate change now, or focus on other issues first?
What does the idea of pursuing social equity in laws and policies mean to you personally?