@M4635Z4 yıl4Y
Yes but compensate the owners well.
@LZ9VLQ4 yıl4Y
Land owners must be paid for the right of way through their properties
@LZP4S94 yıl4Y
Pipeline should be developed, but Private Property rights need to be respected, and landowners compensated fairly for the purchase (not seizure) of affected land
@M2P3FR4 yıl4Y
Not by seizure but fair compensation of the required property
@M9QC6C4 yıl4Y
No. Private property is sacred! Seizure must be left to the government and only under strict legal guidence with fair compensation for the loss of the property which must include future earnings derived from the property.
@STDYTM4 yıl4Y
Do not build the pipeline. Mass export of commodities to the United States invariably leaves Canada exposed to the whims of American politics and industry greed. Production from Canadian resources in general should be directed to producing finished products in Canada, employing Canadian workers throughout the processing and distribution chain.
@29N6YNM4 yıl4Y
Pay landowners above market value. Use the oil royalties the restore affected lands (replant forests, animal migration causeways, etc). With these costs known in advance, the project will not be so lucrative.