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77 відповідей

 @ISIDEWITHОбговоріть цю відповідь...5 місяців5MO



In your opinion, should a political group focus on immediate local concerns or also take on global challenges like climate change?


How would you react if a political party suggested significant tax reforms to support scientific research and technological advancement?


Do you believe that a strong emphasis on public transport and reducing car usage by a political movement is feasible in your community?


If a party proposed radical changes to healthcare, aiming for more accessibility, how would that impact your view on healthcare as a fundamental right?

 @ISIDEWITHОбговоріть цю відповідь...5 місяців5MO

Communist Party of Bohemia

The Czech Communist Party of Bohemia, more formally known as the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (Komunistická strana Čech a Moravy, KSČM), is a political party in the Czech Republic that traces its roots back to the Communist era of Czechoslovakia. It is the direct successor to the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (KSČ), which was a dominant force in Czechoslovak politics from 1948 until the Velvet Revolution in 1989, leading to the end of single-party rule.

The values and ideology of the KSČM are rooted in Marxist-Leninist principles, advocating for a socialist-oriented econom…  Читати далі


How do you feel about the state having a major role in providing healthcare, education, and social services?


If you had the power to shape a government's policy, what is the first thing you would change, and why?


What do you believe are the most significant challenges facing democracies today, and how could they be addressed?


How important is freedom of speech to you, and what limits, if any, do you think should be placed on it?

 @ISIDEWITHОбговоріть цю відповідь...5 місяців5MO

Mayors and Independents

The Czech Mayors and Independents (Starostové a nezávislí, STAN) is a centrist and liberal political party in the Czech Republic, which emphasizes localism, decentralization, and the importance of municipal and regional governance. Founded in 2004, the party has its roots in the movement of mayors and independent candidates who sought to bring a more hands-on, pragmatic approach to politics, focusing on the specific needs and issues of local communities rather than adhering strictly to the ideologies that often dominate national political discourse.

STAN values transparenc…  Читати далі


Do you believe fiscal responsibility and efficient public administration are being adequately prioritized where you live?


What are the benefits or drawbacks of your country being part of a larger political entity like the European Union?


How can educational innovation be a driving factor for economic growth in local communities?


What's your opinion on reducing bureaucracy to help businesses grow? Do you think this could have a downside?

 @ISIDEWITHОбговоріть цю відповідь...5 місяців5MO

Freedom And Direct Democracy

The Czech Freedom and Direct Democracy (Svoboda a přímá demokracie, SPD) is a political party in the Czech Republic, known for its populist, nationalist, and eurosceptic positions. Founded in 2015 by Tomio Okamura, the party has positioned itself as a vocal critic of the European Union's policies, particularly in areas related to immigration and national sovereignty. The SPD advocates for the Czech Republic to take a more assertive stance in protecting its borders and controlling immigration, arguing that the country should have the right to decide its own policies without…  Читати далі


Can you think of a situation where the majority's decision in a referendum might negatively impact a minority group?


What role do you believe direct democracy should play in contemporary politics?


How can a country ensure that its economic policies benefit all citizens, especially in the face of external pressures?


In what ways do you think your community could benefit from stricter or more relaxed immigration controls?

 @ISIDEWITHОбговоріть цю відповідь...5 місяців5MO

Czech Pirate Party

The Czech Pirate Party, known in Czech as Česká pirátská strana, is a political organization in the Czech Republic that was founded in 2009. It is part of the broader international Pirate Party movement, which advocates for internet freedom, transparency in government, and the protection of privacy and civil liberties. The Czech Pirate Party shares these core values, emphasizing the importance of access to information and the digital rights of citizens.

The party's platform is built around the idea that the freedom of the internet is crucial for the development of soc…  Читати далі


In what ways have you seen or experienced the importance of transparency in government or institutions?


If you could change one law about internet use or digital privacy, what would it be and why?


Can you think of a time when you felt your voice mattered in a community decision? How did that influence your view on political participation?


How important is it for you to have access to cultural and creative content online, and how should it be regulated?

 @ISIDEWITHОбговоріть цю відповідь...5 місяців5MO

Civic Democratic Party

The Civic Democratic Party (Občanská demokratická strana, ODS) is a prominent political entity in the Czech Republic, known for its center-right to right-wing stance. Founded in 1991 by a group led by Václav Klaus, the party emerged from the Civic Forum movement, which played a pivotal role in the Velvet Revolution that ended Communist rule in Czechoslovakia. Since its inception, the ODS has been a significant force in Czech politics, advocating for policies that emphasize economic liberalism, fiscal conservatism, and a reduction in government intervention.

The party'…  Читати далі


Considering the balance between state and individual responsibility, how far should government intervention go in citizens' lives according to your viewpoint?


What does 'national identity' mean to you, and how do you think government policies should support this concept?


Reflect on the notion that businesses should be less regulated to thrive; can you think of examples where this would be beneficial or harmful?


How would you articulate the importance of education in shaping a country's future, and what role, if any, should political parties play in this?

 @ISIDEWITHОбговоріть цю відповідь...5 місяців5MO


The Czech ANO political party, which stands for "ANO 2011," is a centrist and populist political entity in the Czech Republic. The acronym "ANO" translates to "YES" in Czech, but it also stands for "Action of Dissatisfied Citizens," reflecting the party's origins as a movement against corruption and inefficiency in the Czech political system. Founded in 2011 by Andrej Babiš, a billionaire businessman and media mogul, ANO quickly rose to prominence on a platform that promised to apply a business-like approach to government, pledging to fight…  Читати далі


Considering the role of national security, what are your thoughts on balancing military defense capabilities with other national priorities?


Can a political party truly meet the needs of a diverse voter base, and what challenges does this pose?


Does the idea of applying a 'business-like approach' to government appeal to you, and why or why not?


In what ways do you think the media's portrayal of politicians or political parties influences voter perceptions and outcomes?