Proveu el concurs polític

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 @P3P33Zde Alberta respon…4 anys4Y

yes, only for life saving prescription drugs, like penicillin, cancer cocktails, anticoagulants

 @P35DSYde British Columbia respon…4 anys4Y

 @P2FCQRde Alberta respon…4 anys4Y

The government should be covering some drug costs. The bigger problem however, is the cost of the drugs themselves. That is what needs to be addressed.

 @P2BKWBde Alberta respon…4 anys4Y

 @NWCJH6de British Columbia respon…4 anys4Y

 @NPG6LRde Saskatchewan respon…4 anys4Y

I think Canada's universal health care plan should only pay for prescription drugs when a drug is determined by a doctor to be absolutely necessary. And when the family cannot afford the prescription

 @NNLY6Hde Saskatchewan respon…4 anys4Y

drugs should be covered, but covering them means the system will be abused. Drugs necessary for survival such as insulin should be covered. Viagra and Lipitor should not.

 @M65KVSde Alberta respon…4 anys4Y

All countries should band together and get the drug makers to lower their profit and do more R & D on new drugs that help instead of try to improve cosmetic drugs.

 @M4Q42Rde Ontario respon…4 anys4Y

I think instead Medicare should be covering alternative medical treatments, for those that choose them.

 @M4MQWRde Ontario respon…4 anys4Y