Essayer le jeu politique


 @9DVVLYPde Quebec  répondu…1 an1Y

non, ce devrais être simplifié pour les gens du publique, seul les immigrants, les malades mentaux, les anciens prisonniers, membres de gangs de rues, les noirs parce qu'ils sont très agressifs et peu enclin a la réflexion, devrait être activement surveillés.

 @NTZGPSde Alberta  répondu…4 ans4Y

 @P5VF93de Ontario  répondu…4 ans4Y

 @NX3CCTde Alberta  répondu…4 ans4Y

Not convinced yet. Aboriginal agreements are key as is ensuring when there is a pipeline break the company must pay for cleanup and to re landowners. And ensure regular pipeline inspections.

 @NZMDZ6de Alberta  répondu…4 ans4Y

No I think it's a bad idea, I am a proud native person and most white people don't care to think of what we want, or even care what we have to say

 @P3DQDVde Ontario  répondu…4 ans4Y

Not until more research is going into more sustainable green energy. Yes we need the money, but without investment into transitional new energies, it's just a farce of a money grab.

 @P3N33Mde British Columbia  répondu…4 ans4Y

It's a poor location. Twinning of other existing pipelines is the way to go with more dollars staying in Canada (including BC). Ideally we'd have a national energy plan and refine it here.

 @P3WX9Lde Ontario  répondu…4 ans4Y

Do it properly, with multiple safety mechanisms and sufficient assurance that the wildlife will not be impacted.


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