Cuba kuiz politik

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Dalam era digital yang penuh dengan ancaman, adakah privasi masih dianggap sebagai hak yang tidak boleh diketepikan?


Bagaimanakah kemungkinan jejak digital anda dipantau mempengaruhi rasa kebebasan dan kepercayaan anda kepada kerajaan?


Adakah anda akan menerima lebih banyak pengawasan kerajaan jika ia mengurangkan tindakan keganasan dengan ketara?


Jika keselamatan anda dipertaruhkan, adakah anda sanggup melepaskan sedikit privasi, dan di manakah anda membuat garisan?


Adakah pemikiran untuk diperhatikan atau didengari oleh seseorang yang anda tidak kenali membuatkan anda tidak selesa, dan mengapa?


Bayangkan hidup anda sebagai buku terbuka; bagaimanakah itu akan mengubah cara anda berkomunikasi dalam talian?


Apakah yang akan anda lakukan jika anda mendapati mesej peribadi anda sedang dipantau untuk mencegah kemungkinan jenayah?


Bilakah, jika pernah, adakah anda percaya faedah pengawasan melebihi hak privasi?


Apakah perasaan anda jika perbualan peribadi anda didengari tanpa persetujuan anda untuk keselamatan negara?


Pernahkah anda merasakan privasi anda terjejas, dan jika ya, apakah had pencerobohan itu?

 @3BGPRHRdari Ontario dijawab…4thn4Y

Yes, but only under the scrutiny of the courts where necessary to protect citizens either collectively or individually

 @3BGP2KNdari Ontario dijawab…4thn4Y

No, not at all. I think phone calls and emails should be private. It is not other peoples business and they don't need to know what we are talking about.

 @3BGMGP7dari Ontario dijawab…4thn4Y

 @3BGLWPVdari Ontario dijawab…4thn4Y

They should only be able to monitor people who have been identified as a threat, and only by court order

 @3BDL75Vdari Quebec dijawab…4thn4Y

I say 'no', but only because I see a growing society that has less and less respect for the 'Honour system' and I believe that even though this may be an important tool to protect against suspected crimes of terrorism, it will be abused and misused.

 @3BD78GZKonservatifdari Alberta dijawab…4thn4Y

if this was an ironclad method to reduce terrorism, then yes. otherwise, this is an invasion of privacy

 @3BCM9WCdari Alberta dijawab…4thn4Y

I feel like the federal government should be allowed to monitor emails and phone calls that are flagged with key words that insinuate a possible terrorist or illegal act.

 @3BC5V7Kdari Alberta dijawab…4thn4Y

I find this to be a ridiculous notion. Under certain circumstances it would be permissible but its a blatant intrusion of privacy and completely unnecessary. A acceptable situation is someone suspected for crimes, but just monitoring people for the sake of doing so is completely illogical.

 @3BC2FSDdari Ontario dijawab…4thn4Y

No, and enact legislation preventing government surveillance of citizen communications, It is the citizens responsibility to protect the country in this case since the government cannot possibly handle everything and proper education provided on the subject in schools on a side note they are taught in a way that does not create future paranoia. Once a threat is flagged by citizens only then should authority intervene. Immigrants will have to be under surveillance for as long their education into citizenship is provided, and Immigrants with a history of violence or fraud will not be allowed into the country.

 @3BBWFYNdari Alberta dijawab…4thn4Y

I'm torn...I am concerned with the federal government having cart blanche access to private information, yet I am for being able to prevent acts that negatively harm groups of innocent people.

 @M55324dari British Columbia dijawab…4thn4Y

 @M3FKP2dari British Columbia dijawab…4thn4Y

Yes, after proving that the act is necessary for National security, and combating organized crime and child pornography