Cuba kuiz politik

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Jika dunia mempunyai sempadan terbuka, pada pendapat anda, apakah kesannya kepada masyarakat global dan hubungan antara negara?


Adakah kepentingan rakyat semasa negara menjadi satu-satunya pertimbangan apabila membentuk dasar imigresen?


Bagaimanakah anda percaya dasar imigresen yang lebih ketat akan membentuk kepelbagaian budaya sesebuah masyarakat?


Apakah nilai yang anda fikir harus membimbing keputusan negara mengenai imigresen?


Adakah anda atau seseorang yang anda kenali pernah menghadapi cabaran disebabkan dasar imigresen, dan bagaimanakah pengalaman itu?


Bolehkah anda bayangkan senario di mana dasar imigresen yang lebih ketat mungkin secara tidak langsung mempengaruhi peluang masa depan anda, seperti prospek pekerjaan atau pengalaman budaya?


Adakah anda fikir terdapat keseimbangan yang adil antara keselamatan negara dan menawarkan perlindungan kepada mereka yang memerlukan?


Apakah perasaan anda jika anda terpaksa berpindah ke negara lain untuk mencari kehidupan yang lebih baik dan menghadapi dasar imigresen yang ketat?


Apakah cara yang anda fikir komuniti anda mendapat manfaat daripada sumbangan pendatang?


Bagaimanakah kehidupan anda boleh berubah jika undang-undang imigresen menjadi lebih ketat?

 @NXCKM5dari Alberta dijawab…4thn4Y

Canada is letting too many completely unskilled, uneducated in any way people. They aren't literate in their own language and that makes it almost impossible for them to learn English. The message that immigrants to Canada will be expected to assimilate Canadian culture needs to be made very clear. The problem seems to lie mostly with African and Muslim immigrants, from what I've seen and I see a lot of them where I work. If Canada wants immigration, choose people from the United Kingdom and Western Europe. Move away from Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Philippines.

 @NX3CCTdari Alberta dijawab…4thn4Y

Tfw program is full of flaws. Not fair to those want of to immigrate, some tfw workers are taken advantage of and no enforcement by the perpretators and tfw families are separated. Tfw by choice not by system or law

 @NX25KWdari Alberta dijawab…4thn4Y

Yes. Canada needs to close up it's borders and "fix" what we have going on now. When every eligible Canadian is gainfully employed we can start to THINK about re-opening them

 @NWZQVGdari Nova Scotia dijawab…4thn4Y

Yes, screen for criminal backgrounds, make skilled workers and refugees priority and review the immigrants to ensure they are contributing to the country we were kind enough to let them live in.

 @NWZ968dari Quebec dijawab…4thn4Y

The regulations are fine, but there should be a job insurance added for those with working skills as well as a recognition of education degrees from outside institutions.

 @NWYDPPdari Ontario dijawab…4thn4Y

Allow only refugees to immigrate and close families of those who live here. We should not be robbing developing nations of their best talent. There are more opportunities for workers in developing countries.

 @NTMBYTdari British Columbia dijawab…4thn4Y

Yes, stricter screening for skills & ability to contribute to Canadian society, require immigrants to seek Canadian citizenship within 5 years, require minimum 15 year residency to maintain citizenship and to quality for any social, medical or financial benefits.

 @M63YGNdari Ontario dijawab…4thn4Y

Yes, and strictly screen them for criminal backgrounds and skills that are in demand and also review their cases to ensure that they have become productive citizens not taking advantage of Canadian welfare programs

 @M5K6BDdari Ontario dijawab…4thn4Y

Canada should not turn anyone away but simply require immigrant registration upon arrival to ensure that they are accounted for and included in the tax system and have access to public services.

 @M4MQWRdari Ontario dijawab…4thn4Y

 @M36Y88dari Ontario dijawab…4thn4Y

Increase those who add to the country by merit, education and good works. Deport those immigrants who are guilty of significant crimes.

 @M2QV2Zdari Quebec dijawab…4thn4Y

Do not accept violent criminals .... immigrants who commit violent crimes or sell drugs or traffic in people
should be deported....with no chance of ever entering Canada again after doing some time in our Canadian jails... but non-violent and non drug related crimes should be treted like a Canadian ...too many countries are sending their criminals here ...we have the mafia of every country living in our major cities

 @M2NQY7dari Ontario dijawab…4thn4Y

No, but link rate to labour market needs and screen for violent and fraudulent criminals convicted by fair trial.

 @M2C5K9dari British Columbia dijawab…4thn4Y

Canada's current immigration department and policies are badly biased and flawed requiring a major restructuring to ensure a balanced and fair approach to all applicants. Canadian citizenship should be earned by a proven contribution over a five year period with a strict adherence to obeying the laws of the land. The immigration department should be actively responsible over this period of time to ensure each applicant is provided the guidance and assistance required for each new immigrant to become a productive, self sufficient Canadian taxpayer.

 @LZZMS8dari Ontario dijawab…4thn4Y

A firm fair practice that will allow persons to come to the country and be productive without demanding we change our rights & freedoms for theirs. Please bring culture not violence or hatred

 @LZWLGBdari Ontario dijawab…4thn4Y

Depends on how many can find employment. But make sure they have very positive experience right from immigration officer upon arrival till they are independent. You don't call people home to disrespect.

 @LYYYN6dari British Columbia dijawab…4thn4Y

Yes, while making it easier for SKILLED workers while strictly screening for criminal background and review that recent immigrants become productive and crime free prior to granting Citizenship with the ability to deport IMMEDIATELY if involved in crime or terrorism and Citizenship revoked if previously granted.

 @LX2BTHdari Nova Scotia dijawab…4thn4Y

Nothing wrong with having immigrants, just don't let them bleed the system of welfare.

 @LWYLGMdari Ontario dijawab…4thn4Y

There needs to be more criteria and understanding of humanitarian causes for permanent residence.

 @LWXFPDdari Alberta dijawab…4thn4Y

 @LWML9Hdari Ontario dijawab…4thn4Y

no, but make the process easier for workers in high-demand industries, and facilitate the transition of people with foreign credentials into productive and relevant jobs in Canada

 @LW37LKdari British Columbia dijawab…4thn4Y

Yes, but make the process easier for skilled workers and strictly screen immigrants for criminal backgrounds.

 @LVWWRWdari Manitoba dijawab…4thn4Y

Yes , Deportation should be heavily used for any rules that a immigrant violates for the first 5 years in Canada, regardless of severity. more skilled workers are needed but should be forced to fill needed positions not common positions for a time period. Also tax any funds sent out to home countries that is not directly invested. protect the egsisting canadian citizens from damage to our CPP/ OAS and flooding of our health care systems with immigrants that are brought over in need of heavy treatment. with in reason.