
90 Replies


In what ways have you seen the concept of 'toughness' negatively or positively affect the men around you?


How do parental expectations influence a boy's future and his understanding of what it means to 'be a man'?


What's one way you think education can better support boys who might learn or express themselves differently?


Can a balance be struck between advocating for men's rights and continuing to empower women, and if so, how?


How can acknowledging the issues men face benefit the broader conversation on gender equality?


What kind of support would you find helpful for men dealing with mental health challenges?


How do societal norms around 'masculinity' shape the career choices of young men in your environment?


Why might some people argue that the focus on men’s issues distracts from the challenges women face?


Have you observed in your community a shift in how the vulnerabilities of men are treated or discussed?


Why do you think some people are hesitant to talk about issues men face in society?


What are your views on how gender roles shape our expectations of men's responsibilities at home?


How does the push for paternity leave reflect upon our evolving views of fatherhood?


Have you ever felt a bond with someone who shared their story of struggling against gender stereotypes?


In what ways do you think media influences your understanding of what it means to 'be a man' today?


How would you feel if a male friend opened up to you about being a victim of domestic violence?


Can you share an instance where you've observed a positive change in societal views towards men's roles at home or work?


What are your thoughts on compulsory military service for men in some countries, and should this practice continue?


Can male public figures speaking openly about their mental health struggles change societal stigmas, and who comes to mind?


Do you think that the social pressures on men to be 'successful' contribute to stress and mental health issues, and if so, how?


Have you encountered double standards in discipline or expectations based on gender at school or in social settings?


How can stereotypes about men being 'tough' affect their willingness to seek help for personal or health issues?


In the wake of movements like #MeToo, how do you think conversations around consent should also advance in regards to men's experiences?


Have you or someone you know ever been in a situation where showing emotion was frowned upon due to gender norms?


What does supporting men's mental health look like in your school or workplace, and is it adequate?


Discuss a time when you witnessed or experienced a situation where a man's concerns or issues were dismissed or minimized?


How did your upbringing shape your view of the 'ideal man', and how do you reconcile that with your own identity?


Do portrayals of 'masculinity' in social media create unrealistic expectations for men and boys in your community?


Reflecting on personal experiences, when have you seen a man being ridiculed for expressing vulnerability, and how did that affect your perspective?


What are your thoughts on paternity leave, and should it be as common and as long as maternity leave?


Have any of your male friends or family members expressed feeling overlooked in terms of emotional support, and why do you think that is?


Considering career choices, do you feel there are jobs unjustly considered 'not suitable' for men, and what are they?


In movies or TV shows, do you notice certain tropes about men that you find unrealistic or problematic, and why?


Have you ever felt pressures from societal stereotypes about 'being a man', and how has that influenced your life?


How do you respond to the criticism that online men’s rights communities can harbor hostile and misogynistic attitudes?


Is it possible to advocate for men's rights without being seen as anti-feminist?


Do you think that men’s rights activists are genuinely seeking equality, or do they undermine the progress of women's rights?


How do you feel about the idea that the men’s rights movement is necessary to address gender inequalities that affect men?


Should more attention be given to men’s health issues, and is there an inequality in medical research and funding compared to women’s health?


Can you think of ways that societal expectations of men might be harmful or limiting to individual men?


How fair do you think the family court system is towards fathers, especially concerning child custody?